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于 2010-03-09 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  自己写的几个matlab的函数,自己处理数据是常用。有滤波函数、平移函数等。处理后新生成的数组和原数组大小相同,行列特性也相同。(Himself wrote several matlab functions, deal with their own data is commonly used. There are filtering function, translation function, and so on. The new array is generated after treatment and the original array the same size, the ranks of features are the same.)



0 个回复

  • matlab-wavelet
    2009-10-25 10:43:26下载
  • yankebingchuang2
    此算法先把伤病人员进行特殊对待,在计算出其他人的入院日期,表二的出院日期为 统计的期望值 运用是要改变 数据的初值 和u值(数据录入个数);(This algorithm first special treat the sick and wounded, in the calculation of other people' s admission date, discharge date in Table II used for the statistical expectation is to change the initial data and u values ​ ​ (the number of data entry) )
    2011-07-25 19:01:05下载
  • ACO
    蚁群算法!!!经典培训资料,建模必备!!!!!!!!!!(ACO! ! ! Classical training materials, modeling must! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !)
    2011-08-18 19:39:24下载
  • dynamic-unloading
    可以应用于动态卸载应力分析和能量分析,求解径向应力分析和应变。(It can be used to the analysis of the dynamic loading stress and energy .)
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  • CICfilterSim
    CIC 滤波器的设计演示程序 可以运行的 还有分析性能(CIC filter design demo program that can run as well as to analyze the performance)
    2013-12-08 21:30:11下载
  • PDV-algorithm
    用于分类的主判别变量算法(principal discriminant variate algorithm) ( principal discriminant variate algorithm for two classes, x1 and x2. x1 is the training samples in the 1st class with each column being the spectrum characterizing the corresponding sample. x2 is the training samples in the 2nd class with each column being the spectrum characterizing the corresponding sample. lamda is the penalty weight defining the balance between FLDA and PCA. dvnum is the number of principal discriminant variates to be computed. A defaul value for dvnum is 2. dv is the principal discriminant variates. scores is the matrix with each row being the scores of the samples on the corresponding principal discriminant variate. xmean is the mean spectra of the sample, which was used for mean-centering the data in training and prediction. )
    2013-12-15 19:59:43下载
  • WiMAX
    用matlab编写的关于无线网络仿真的源码例子(Prepared using matlab source code on the example of wireless network simulation)
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  • OFDM
    产生OFDM的MATLAB源代码,对初步接触OFDM研究的人很有帮助(OFDM have the MATLAB source code, initial contacts for the study were useful OFDM)
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  • M-files for Neural Networks
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  • MMSE_matlab
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