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  Mathmtical and Computer and relation between them ..



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  • MyOA
    完全用PHP来完成的办公自动化系统,主要是完成对数据库的操作,具有一个办公系统的基本功能。(Entirely in PHP to complete the office automation systems, mainly to complete the database operation, has a basic function of office systems.)
    2008-12-10 20:56:26下载
  • 贵州大学研究生实验报告
    说明:  每组不超过4人,每人从TPC-H中选择至少三个查询进行执行,并进行性能调整。同组人员所选择的查询不能相同。各查询均必须包含:两个以上的表连接操作,其包含至少一个聚集函数。 每位同学的该作业均放在一个命名如“姓名-学号-专业-作业1”的目录中 用尽能想到的所有技术方法,使得选定的查询的某些性能指标尽可能的差 用尽能想到的所有技术方法,使得选定的查询的某些性能指标尽可能的好(Each group has no more than 4 people. Each person selects at least three queries from TPC-H to perform and performs performance adjustment. The queries selected by the same group can not be the same. Each query must contain more than two table join operations, which contain at least one aggregation function. Each student's homework is placed in a directory named "name student number professional operation 1". Using all the technical methods that can be thought of, make certain performance indicators of selected queries as poor as possible. Use all the technical methods that you can think of, and make certain performance indicators of selected queries as good as possible.)
    2018-07-07 22:23:26下载
  • shujuku
    一个数据库的理论总结,对计算机相关专业的本科生具有重要意义。(The theory of a database summary of the significance of computer-related professional undergraduate.)
    2012-06-03 17:21:14下载
  • Oreilly.Oracle.Essentials.Oracle.Database.10g.3rd
    Oracle 10g精要 第三版(essence of the third edition of Oracle 10g)
    2004-12-06 11:34:08下载
  • dianfeiguanli
    本人为出租屋编写的电费管理程序,应用了MFC DAO链接了ACCESS数据库,利用可编辑的listctrl控件,综合考虑了多房间线损耗电的业务细节 和 界面皮肤美观,灵活方便的将物业电费管理轻松掌控.(err)
    2020-10-28 08:59:58下载
  • zfc
    PB中的PFC使用例程,包含精简PFC类库(PB PFC use routines, including streamlining the PFC)
    2004-12-23 18:26:19下载
  • DB2
    说明:  DB2数据库安全性全面介绍.doc DB2数据库安全性全面介绍.doc DB2数据库安全性全面介绍.doc(DB2 database on a comprehensive security. Doc DB2 database on a comprehensive security. Doc DB2 database on a comprehensive security. Doc)
    2009-08-17 10:45:25下载
  • rddata1111
    mitbih数据库文件读入程序,非常实用(mitbih database file is read into the procedure, very practical)
    2020-12-31 10:48:59下载
  • DBLianXiWJ_a5
    记事本程序源码主要涉及的技术点就是SQLite,源码不大注释得体,并且附带项目报告一份。是安卓菜鸟拿来练手的绝好程序。日记的数据主要记录在本地的SQLite数据库中,程序里面有个日志搜索功能,不过没用模糊查询。(Notepad program source code is mainly involved in the technical point is SQLite, the source code is not well commented, and comes with a project report. The program is under the vast Android rookie. Diary of the data is mainly recorded in the local SQLite , the program which has a log search function, but did not use the fuzzy query.)
    2016-07-17 14:55:15下载
  • product-manager
    MFC商品库存管理系统,VC++下编写,可实现对商品库存的管理,可以添加,删除,修改商品的数量,价格,已经对数据库的管理(The commodities inventory management system written MFC program, VC++ commodity inventory management)
    2012-11-11 16:36:39下载
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