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于 2010-03-16 发布 文件大小:32KB
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  Some codes matlab for dynamic structure.



0 个回复

  • LMSmatlab
    ARM编程特别是系统初始化代码的编写中通常需要实现中断的响应、解析跳转和返回等操作,以便支持上层应用程序的开发,而这往往是困扰初学者的一个难题。中断处理的编程实现需要深入了解ARM内核和处理器本身的中断特征,从而设计一种快速简便的中断处理机制。需要说明的是,具体的上层高级语言编写的中断服务函数不在本文的讨论范围之内(ARM programming particular system initialization code in preparation usually need to achieve interruption of response Jump and return analysis, etc, in order to support the upper application development, which is often plagued by a problem beginners. Interruption of programming needs in-depth understanding of the ARM processor core and features of the interruption itself, be able to design a simple and rapid interrupt handling mechanism. There is a need to explain the specific upper prepared by the high-level language service interruption is not the function within the scope of discussion)
    2006-12-18 15:09:13下载
  • OFDM
    OFDM simulation by using Matlab
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  • Beampattern
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  • BackgroundSubtractionReview-Piccardi
    given a frame sequence from a fixed camera, detecting all the foreground objects : the detection of the foreground objects is obtained by the difference between the current frame and an image of the scene’s static background
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  • Broadband_FWM_products
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  • chaoticmaps-(1)
    this file give most famous and important simulation programming codes of chaotic signals map generation
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  • pso
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  • HW2Code
    its basically a gui program in which user can add starting and goal point and obstacles and robor will reach the goal point using bug algorithm
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  • MRI-matlab-tuxing-chuli
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