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于 2011-02-20 发布 文件大小:28KB
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说明:  最优化理论 认知无线电 功率控制方面的资料,写得很详细。( Probability-based optimization of inter-sensing duration and power control in cognitive radio )



0 个回复

  • 0417vcmatlabcanny
    vc 与 matlab之间的接口程序,方便工程计算,也为程序之间做了优化(vc and the interface between matlab program to facilitate the engineering calculations, but also between programs is optimized for the)
    2010-11-23 09:29:43下载
  • WGL
    某电力厂家故障录波器源代码,很全,可编译通过(A power fault recorder source code, really)
    2021-01-30 11:18:33下载
  • pipe
    某石油公司计划建造一条由东向西的主输油管道。该管道要穿过一个有n 口油井的油田。从每口油井都要有一条输油管道沿最短路经(或南或北)与主管道相连。如果给定n 口油井的位置,即它们的x 坐标(东西向)和y 坐标(南北向),应如何确定主管道的最优位置, 即使各油井到主管道之间的输油管道长度总和最小的位置?证明可在线性时间内确定主管道的最优位置。(An oil company plans to construct a east to west from the main pipeline. The pipeline to pass through an oil field n wells. Wells from each must have a pipeline along the shortest path (or South or North) connected with the competent Road. If given the location of oil wells in n, that is, their x coordinates (east-west) and y coordinates (north-south), should be how to determine the optimal position in charge of Road, even if the wells to the pipeline in charge of Road between the sum of the smallest length location? proved to be linear time to determine the optimal position in charge of Road.)
    2008-07-07 10:25:25下载
  • hipr
    使用push-relabel方法求解最大流问题,是国外的一个研究机构编写的,速度很快。(This is an efficient implementation of the push-relabel method. See Goldberg and Tarjan, "A New Approach to the Maximum Flow Problem," J. ACM Vol. 35, 921--940, 1988 and Cherkassky and Goldberg, "On Implementing Push-Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow Problem," Proc. IPCO-4, 157--171, 1995.)
    2009-11-23 11:00:19下载
  • LT
    说明:  最近在研究数字喷泉码,这是对LT码的仿真,系统XP,语言C++(Recent study of digital fountain codes, LT codes which is the simulation, the system XP, language C++)
    2011-11-24 13:07:01下载
  • H_7level
    7级级联H桥逆变器 多电平大功率电力电子 中高压无功补偿 变频器 matlab仿真模型(7 cascaded H-bridge inverter multi-level high-power electronic converter high voltage reactive power compensation)
    2014-03-07 09:35:35下载
  • lizidenoising
    这是一种基于粒子权重去噪代码,本人自己实现,非常实用。(Based on the particle weight denoising code)
    2015-04-11 09:52:59下载
  • FDTD2D
    一个FDTD二维的经典程序,非常不错,适合初学者使用。(A classic two-dimensional FDTD program, very good, suitable for beginners.)
    2011-01-23 11:29:28下载
  • Inertial-navigation
    这是一本秦永元关于惯性导航的书籍。该书系统地讲解了导航的基础知识。(This is an inertial navigation ROCKETS about books. The book systematically explains the basics of navigation.)
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