首页 » matlab » MP3-watermarking


于 2011-02-24 发布 文件大小:1354KB
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说明:  :针对MP3 编码方式和帧结构进行分析,利用帧中的比例因子提出了一种压缩域水印算法。算法通过引入帧变化分析步 骤,很好地实现了水印的自适应嵌入。对于不同的系统要求,还可以通过修改门限信噪比的值SNRlim按需进行水印嵌入,使算法 具有更大灵活性。同时在牺牲一定的嵌入空间前提下,实现了水印信息的自同步。实验表明,对于不同风格的音乐,该水印算法 具有很好的不可听性。(In this paper,the encoding method and the frame structure of MP3 are expounded in detail,a watermark algorithm is proposed based on the scale factor in MP3 frame.By introducing the step of frame altering analysis,the algorithm can realize that watermarks is embedded adaptively.By modifying threshold SNRlim(the ratio of signal to noise),the algorithm can meet different requirements of some system,that is what enable the algorithm to have a bigger flexibility.Based on expense of some embedding positions,the watermark can be embedded with self-synchronization.The experiment results show this algorithm can get a good audio effect with various types of audio.)



0 个回复

  • bp_test
    bp网络训练后的测试,读取已经训练好的bp网络,进行实际应用(bp network training after the test, reading the training has been good bp network for practical application)
    2007-07-04 09:17:49下载
  • gmone
    灰色理論之GM(!,1)模型,GM(1,1)的matlab源碼,可從生成一直計算到預測值(gray theory GM (! , 1) model, GM (1,1) Matlab source, has been generated from the calculated value of the forecast)
    2007-06-01 17:07:10下载
  • TP2SM56
    This paper review the effectiveness of the parity space approach to identify faults or disturbance in a system. The most commonly used is the observer based procedures, and redundancy relationship method. This involves analytical mathematical analysis of geometry and bilinear algebra. Then, technological advances which require complex computation such as artificial intelligence and genetic algorithm had made tremendous improvement to fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) analysis. Dynamic Parity Space Approach was studied for a discrete state-space model. Important data will be extracted using this approach especially for residual generation which is the backbones of FDI analysis. Subsequently, at each time instant k, the generated residuals will form a matrix that will define the fault signature. It is remarkable that this approach is proven in this study to be effective in diagnosis and faults isolation.
    2012-06-09 19:43:00下载
  • performance-file
    good resource code for people to get better performance.such as ssim,rmse etc.
    2013-12-28 07:47:51下载
  • control_system2
    用matlab做的天线转台控制系统,为有扰动情况下并且进行极点配置程序(Using matlab to do the antenna turntable control system for disturbance circumstances and procedures for pole placement)
    2008-12-29 12:15:28下载
  • PSO-esn
    说明:  这是关于粒子群优化算法优化回声状态网络的材料,特别适合初学者,可以帮助你们快速学习群体智能算法优化神经网络(This material is about particle swarm optimization algorithm optimization esN, especially suitable for beginners, can help you quickly learn swarm intelligence algorithm optimization neural network)
    2020-11-26 15:59:32下载
  • matlab100
    matlab实例编程一百个源程序,包含了各个方面的实例编程,程序都经检验可以顺利运行,希望可以为初学matlab者提供帮助。(matlab examples of programming source 100, includes examples of all aspects of programming, procedures have been tested to run smoothly, I hope can provide to help novice matlab.)
    2008-04-22 13:47:23下载
  • FastICA25
    说明:  快速ICA算法,在盲源分离中有很大的用处。(fast algorithm, the blind source separation is very useful.)
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  • uplink
    说明:  该程序实现的了2x2的mimo系统收发。运行system程序,可看到接受端的误码率曲线,星图。(the process of the realization of the 2x2 MIMO transceiver system. Operating system procedures, we can see the receiving end of BER curves, star maps.)
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  • matlab_filter
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