首页 » Visual Basic » 905正交实验设计与结果分析


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说明:  功能,利用正交表安排实验称为正交实验设计,该程序是对正交实验的结果,运用方差分析表和F检验个因素对实验结果是否有显著影响。程序是针对不考虑个因素的交互作用的正交设计编写的。(functions, the use of orthogonal arrangement known as orthogonal test experimental design, the procedures of orthogonal experimental results, using analysis of variance table and the F-test factors in the results, is there a significant impact. Procedures are targeting the factors to consider the interaction of orthogonal design prepared.)



0 个回复

  • student
    用C++编写一个学生考试成绩信息系统,强化面向对象程序设计思想,使学生能够将C++程序设计中的面向对象、重载、模板、文件等各种概念,灵活的运用到实际的程序设计中去。(Using C to prepare a student information system of examination results, and strengthen OOP thinking, so that students can be C program design in object-oriented, overloading, templates, documents such as the concept of flexible use of procedures to the actual design go.)
    2008-12-19 08:26:27下载
  • facedetion
    人脸检测系统(可以用于人脸检测和定位)等,很方便的,程序已通过验证(Face Detection system (can be used for face detection and location) and so on, very convenient, the program has been validated)
    2008-05-09 23:41:08下载
  • TomWatch_demo
    这是VC的一个addin的源代码,将其复制到vc下面的addin目录,然后加载后,可以用它来查看调试中的CDC。(This is an addin VC's source code, copies of the following vc addin directory, loaded, can be used to check the CDC debugging.)
    2007-02-05 21:42:42下载
  • EmdL1_v2
    这是一个对于L2范数下的Earth Mover Distance的VC实现。(This is an L2 norm for the Earth Mover Distance realize the VC.)
    2008-05-07 17:44:54下载
  • HW7_Converters
    说明:  raised if this happens. These operations are almost always triggered by interrupts, as in Listing 10.5 for the SPI. I provide yet another thermometer as an example in Listing 10.13. This uses the ADC12 in the FG4618 to read the temperature using code from List
    2020-02-28 05:19:34下载
  • BLH_xyz
    大地坐标系正算,由空间大地直角坐标系转到WGS84坐标系(terristial coordinates transform)
    2011-10-23 10:33:19下载
  • vbpmnh
    一个小程序,利用vb6实现空间平面拟合的源代码。(The space plane fitting vb6 source)
    2013-04-06 21:57:35下载
  • Microsoft.VC90.CRT
    MFC release版本程序运行时库。程序和库安装在同一目录,不用安装VS,程序就可以运行(MFC release version program runtime library)
    2014-05-07 08:50:28下载
  • ContAccelSamp_IntClk_AnlgStart
    说明:  通過NI-6008去抓取數值,可以通過module讀取,此代碼可以看出如何做通信 (his example demonstrates how to make continuous, hardware-timed acceleration measurements using an SCXI-153x module.)
    2009-07-31 15:53:44下载
  • bombsetting
    VC++编写的完整布雷程序,已经过测试,性能稳定,包含源文件和可执行文件.(VC++ written a complete mining process ,which has been tested, It s a stable performance, including the source files and executable file.)
    2010-07-04 20:50:39下载
  • 696524资源总数
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