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于 2009-07-28 发布 文件大小:2KB
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说明:  很不错的LDPC译码的matlab程序,觉得有用大家分享一下(LDPC decoder)



0 个回复

  • mandelbrot
    This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+C you can change the degree of the equation between 1 - 50. higher number in iteration, points in axes gives better results in image besides more resulting time. to zoom an area of the figure you must aproximately choose the point and then change the center values to this point values then push Show Graph button. because of this is the first version there can be any lack of usage. (This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+C you can change the degree of the equation between 1- 50. higher number in iteration, points in axes gives better results in image besides more resulting time. to zoom an area of the figure you must aproximately choose the point and then change the center values to this point values then push Show Graph button. because of this is the first version there can be any lack of usage. )
    2010-02-17 07:21:59下载
  • rc5
    RC5 Image encryption in matlab
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  • matlab3studying
    matlab教程,内容充实,易于理解,适合于初学者 (Matlab Guide, informative and easy to understand, suitable for beginners)
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