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  • PVC-(1)
    pvc主成分分析的matlab代码谁需要的自行下载 (the codes of pvc)
    2014-12-17 19:30:24下载
  • 双馈感应风力发电机组传动链系统simulink仿真模型
    双馈感应风力发电机组传动链系统simulink仿真模型...................(wind turbine drive chain system simulink model........)
    2013-12-26 09:38:39下载
  • ITE-0.63_code
    说明:  matlab用于估计互信息,包括条件互信息,熵等(used to estimate mutual information, including conditional mutual information, entropy, etc)
    2020-03-11 19:32:51下载
  • facial-expression
    Will detect facial expressions in an video formate and find it by using neural networks
    2014-01-31 22:53:46下载
  • Bao_chaotic lyapunov
    对Lorenz系统进行仿真出李雅普诺夫指数和最大李雅普诺夫指数;可以直接套用到其他的混沌系统进行反正出图即可。(The Lyapunov exponent and the largest Lyapunov exponent are simulated on the Lorenz system, and the other chaotic systems can be directly applied to the inverse diagram.)
    2021-03-14 15:49:23下载
  • 31297419gu_Morlet
    说明:  对仿真信号进行复morlet小波变换后,绘制的时频图。(After the complex Morlet wavelet transform of the simulation signal, the time-frequency diagram is drawn.)
    2020-12-27 11:19:13下载
  • mimo_simulator
    This examples corresponds to a 2x2 system with parallel linear arrays, where the mobile moves aways from the base station, with a constant speed such that the Maximum Doppler frequency is 5 Hz. The element spacings at the base station and mobile are one lambda and 0.5 lambda, respectively. The maximum angle spread at the base station is 4 degrees, whereas isotropic scattering is assumed around the mobile. The length of the simulated MIMO channel is 5 seconds, and any two adjacent samples are spaced by 0.01 seconds. For ensemble averaging, 90 realizations of the MIMO channel are generated.(This examples corresponds to a 2x2 system with parallel linear arrays, where the mobile moves aways from the base station, with a constant speed such that the Maximum Doppler frequency is 5 Hz. The element spacings at the base station and mobile are one lambda and 0.5 lambda, respectively. The maximum angle spread at the base station is 4 degrees, whereas isotropic scattering is assumed around the mobile. The length of the simulated MIMO channel is 5 seconds, and any two adjacent samples are spaced by 0.01 seconds. For ensemble averaging , 90 realizations of the MIMO channel are generated.)
    2010-03-31 13:22:54下载
  • SuOrEM
    Compressive sensing SuOrEM code
    2013-10-18 00:19:04下载
  • Battery-Electric-Vehicle-and-Hybrid-Fuel-cell
    Battery Electric Vehicle and Hybrid Fuel-cell/ Battery Electric Vehicle for EPA P3 2011 Competition
    2021-03-08 23:39:28下载
  • Matlab_overview
    Matlab_overview this is a pdf consist of basic of matlab
    2014-01-19 22:49:29下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104432会员总数
  • 16今日下载