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于 2008-09-19 发布 文件大小:16041KB
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说明:  matlab经典算法的程序,想进阶MATLAB的朋友使得一看哦。。。matlab handbook(classical algorithm matlab procedures Advanced MATLAB friend would like to make a看哦. . . matlab handbook)



0 个回复

  • MATLAB_programming_for_numerical_computing
    MATLAB编程的数值计算MATLAB programming for numerical computing(MATLAB programming numerical MATLAB programming for numerical computing)
    2010-08-02 11:46:37下载
  • threelecel_SVPWM
    T型三电平逆变器的SVPWM控制以及闭环并网控制仿真(T-type three-level inverter SVPWM control and closed-loop control and network simulation)
    2021-01-23 10:18:44下载
  • Leach_code
    LEACH is a protocol that is designed for energy efficient system.
    2010-11-17 18:55:28下载
  • final_transient
    Program de trsition induction motor
    2013-12-17 04:33:38下载
  • piubie_v24
    小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率,最终的权值矩阵就是滤波器的系数,可直接计算得到多重分形谱。( Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency, The final weight matrix is ??the filter coefficient, It can be directly calculated multi-fractal spectrum.)
    2016-10-24 10:56:27下载
  • imagescn
    Imagescn plot two or more imagesc into the same axes. Deeper layers are visible, were higher layers have the value NaN. This is helpful e.g. to show measurement (=foreground) results "above" a map (=background), to separate NaN values within a 2D matrix from the lowest value (standard image shows the same color at NaN as it does for the lowest value). The number of layers is only limited by memory space :-).(Piled images Imagescn plot two or more imagesc into the same axes. Deeper layers are visible, were higher layers have the value NaN. This is helpful e.g. to show measurement (=foreground) results "above" a map (=background), to separate NaN values within a 2D matrix from the lowest value (standard image shows the same color at NaN as it does for the lowest value). The number of layers is only limited by memory space :-).)
    2011-10-08 19:59:44下载
  • naobui
    能量谱分析计算,Gabor小波变换与PCA的人脸识别代码,主同步信号PSS在时域上的相关仿真。( Energy spectrum analysis and calculation, Gabor wavelet transform and PCA face recognition code, PSS primary synchronization signal in the time domain simulation related.)
    2016-08-22 16:19:32下载
  • 51622438SMOTE
    说明:  用于数据集的过采样处理,其中含有一个实例,可以参考。(Oversampling Processing for Data Sets,and it have a sample for study.)
    2019-05-14 19:01:02下载
  • DSp
    Here i attach the MATLAB codings for dsp applications. with the help of these coding we can easily design the dsp applications
    2013-07-30 14:03:53下载
  • period
    This function approximates the long period the peak of the scattering curve on the frame range ‘start’ to ‘finish’. Note: not valid for noisy data.
    2014-11-28 23:51:05下载
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