首页 » Visual C++ » MahjongGame


于 2010-03-29 发布 文件大小:2031KB
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说明:  本章实现了一个完整的四人网络麻将游戏,该程序集服务器与客户端功能与一体。本章主要介绍了非对等的网络服务功能的建立,传输信息的序列化,建立虚拟的三维空间,绘制图形和显示位图,在内存中创建位图和绘制图形等。 (This chapter implements a complete network of four mahjong game, the assembly server and client-side functionality and integration. This chapter focuses on the non-reciprocal function of the establishment of network services, transmission of information sequences, building a virtual three-dimensional space, drawing graphics and display bitmaps, create a bitmap in memory and drawing graphics.)



0 个回复

  • skyblue_BoxMan
    推箱子 源代码 大家可以参考学习一下……我爱vc(Sokoban everyone can refer to the source code to learn about ... ... I love vc)
    2009-02-07 21:53:45下载
  • eluosfangkuai
    用VB写的俄罗斯方块,还可以。适合初学VB的人(Tetris written using VB, you can also. Suitable for beginners who VB)
    2009-11-23 19:12:48下载
  • tetris3
    C++控制台俄罗斯方块带源代码,界面美观,Visual C++ 6.0编译。(Cpp Console Tetris)
    2015-07-17 19:35:44下载
  • VCPPRpgGameStudy
    使用VC++编写的,RPG游戏学习例子,简单演示了,地图上2个NPC(或主角人物)相互跑动的过程(Using VC++ written in RPG games learning example, a simple demo on the map two NPC (or protagonist) running each other)
    2012-04-06 10:54:57下载
  • 20170422
    贪吃蛇游戏是经典手机游戏,既简单又耐玩。通过控制蛇头方向吃蛋,使得蛇变长,从而获得积分。(Snake game is a classic mobile phone game, which is simple and playable. By controlling the direction snakeheads eat eggs, the snake long, so as to obtain the integral.)
    2017-04-22 11:33:00下载
  • tanchi
    这是一个贪吃蛇游戏的源程序,可通过控制蛇身的上下左右移动吃到食物后,蛇身增加,最后可输出成绩(This is a Snake game source code can be up and down by controlling the snake to eat the food and move around, the snake increases, the final output results)
    2010-11-29 13:32:23下载
  • supermario
    这是一个模仿任天堂经典游戏《超级玛丽》的克隆游戏。目前支持windows 和linux两种操作系统。你应该已经得到了这个游戏的全部源代码和地图编辑器 的源代码。地图编辑器( MapEdit目录下 )使你可以充分发挥想象力,轻而易举 地创造出游戏中的关卡 (This is a mimic classic Nintendo game " Super Mario" games Cloning. Currently supports two types of windows and linux operating system. You should have been the game all the source code and map the source code editor. Map Editor (MapEdit directory) allows you to give full play to the imagination, easy to create in-game points)
    2009-02-02 12:30:56下载
  • finguess
    VB编写的图形界面的猜拳小游戏,供初学者参考。(Program for "finger guess game", by Visual Basic.)
    2013-09-27 11:19:17下载
  • bomb
    It s a game you have to find out where the bombs are. Hope you Enjoy it.
    2011-04-25 00:29:19下载
  • Memorize_I19399810132005
    visual basic.net 做的一款记忆游戏(visual memory so one of the game)
    2007-05-03 07:11:22下载
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