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说明:  猜数字游戏 计算机随机产生一个无重复数字的四位数 若所猜的数位置与数字均正确,会显示一个A,若数字对位置不对,会显示一个B.(Number guessing game is a computer randomly generated four-digit number without repetition by the guess that if the number of locations and figures are correct, will show an A, if the number of position wrong and they' ll show a B.)





0 个回复

  • dadishu
    打地鼠输入输出设备买一些机器人来帮他,这些机器人很厉害,一个就可以顶上十个,原因很简单,他可以打中所有出现在和它同行或同列的地鼠(Input and output devices to play hamster robot to help him buy some of these robots is very powerful, can be a top ten, for the simple reason that he can hit it all in and out to peers or with the mouse)
    2011-07-05 16:01:37下载
  • sanlianqi-
    用c++编写的可以进行人人交战和人机交战的三连棋简洁版游戏(Can be prepared using c++ all three warring warring and human concise version of the game with chess)
    2013-07-15 18:47:34下载
  • tanchishe2e53d2f2271b
    MFC编写的贪吃蛇小游戏,适合MFC图形动画开发学习者学习。(Snake game written in MFC for MFC graphics and animation to the development of learners.)
    2012-08-17 10:05:28下载
  • Solution1
    用vb.net做的大富翁,a Console Application that models the game of Monopoly.Houses • Hotels • Rolling doubles • Players will not be allowed to sell properties once purchased. • Players may mortgage a property but it will remain mortgaged for the rest of the game. • No one will ever go to jail.(vb.net do with the millionaires, a Console Application models that the game of Monopoly.Houses Hotels## 8226 8226 8226 Rolling doubles# Players will not be allowed to sell properties once purchased.# 8226 Players may mortgage a property but it will remain mortgaged for the rest of the game.# 8226 No one will ever go to jail.)
    2005-04-23 07:33:09下载
  • Lianliankan
    一个好玩的连连看游戏,用Visual Basic 语言开发,我只完成了基本代码,请多多指教。(Lianliankan a fun game, developed in Visual Basic language, I only completed the basic code, exhibitions.)
    2011-08-05 20:44:07下载
  • 24Points
    24点游戏,找出所有解。给任意4个数,该程序能找出所有通过加,减,乘,除,括号算出24结果的算式。(24-point game, find all solutions. To any four numbers, the program can identify all through add, subtract, multiply, divide, calculate 24 results parentheses formula.)
    2013-08-19 12:02:21下载
  • Tetris-game
    《C++高级语言程序设计案例与实践辅导(北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目配套教材)》-案例分析:俄罗斯方块游戏(" C++ Advanced Language Program Design Case and Practice Guidance (Beijing Higher quality materials Projects of supporting materials)" - Case Study: Tetris game)
    2014-08-25 10:37:03下载
    此文档为visual c++平台实现俄罗斯方块的部分参考代码。已经通过调试通过。(This document is visual c++ platform Tetris part reference code. Has passed through debugging.)
    2013-10-23 21:46:26下载
  • Snake_C
    说明:  贪吃蛇源码c++实现,经典游戏编程,适合爱好者学习(Snake Source c++ implementation, the classic game programming for fans to learn)
    2010-04-25 17:39:12下载
  • MY-Project
    俄罗斯方块游戏的c++简单实现,参考学习很有价值(Tetris game c++ simple realization, learning valuable reference)
    2013-09-09 09:51:59下载
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