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于 2007-09-01 发布 文件大小:491KB
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  • 7.1ban
    按键式电话如下图所示,当按下某一个键时会产生如图所示的相应的频率模拟信号,并通过对该信号频率的检测,识别出对应的按键。试通过编写一个数字信号分析程序,模拟完成上面的功能。(Touch-tone phone as shown below, when pressing a key will be generated as shown in the corresponding frequency analog signals and, through detection of the signal frequency to identify the corresponding button. Test through the preparation of a digital signal analysis program to simulate the function of the completion of the above.)
    2008-05-14 21:00:16下载
  • PIDcontrolandMATLABsimulink
    本书从MATLAB仿真角度系统地介绍了PID控制的基本理论、基本方法和应用技术,是作者多年来从事控制系统教学和科研工作的结晶,同时融入了国内外同行近年来所取得的新成果。? (MATLAB simulation system from the perspective of the book introduces the basic theory of PID control, the basic method and application technology, is a system of control for many years in the crystallization of teaching and research work, taking into the domestic counterparts in recent years, new results obtained . ?)
    2010-05-19 23:03:32下载
  • ofdm
    Comparison of Simulated BER with the Theoretical BER for a QPSK modulated and demodulated system
    2011-08-05 01:07:50下载
  • FODS
    Fundamentals_of_Database_Systems,_6th_Edition 电子版及课后习题答案(Fundamentals_of_Database_Systems,_6th_Edition PDF & solutions)
    2014-10-23 16:55:25下载
  • FIRBSF_v3
    Design a linear phase minimum order FIR Band Stop filter to stop the frequency band 0.45π to 0.55π with atleast 60dB attenuation at the edges. Further -3dB frequencies are required to be at 0.3π and 0.7π. 1. Plot the frequency response of the psuedo magnitude function using (a)rectangular window, (b)Hann window and (c) Hamming window. 2. Plot the frequency response for Rectangular and Hamming window for a length of 1024 to demonstrate the fact that the increase in the length, doesn t reduce undershoot and overshoot in Rectangular window.
    2010-12-11 06:14:12下载
  • 3
    说明:  MATLAB 16QAM仿真调制与解调及其说明(MATLAB 16QAMdaskljdsajdiosaduiosamdklsajo)
    2012-05-12 09:21:36下载
  • pmsm的矢量控制
    说明:  使用simulink搭建的PMSM矢量控制,文件中附带详细的实验讲解和模型讲解,非常适合初学者(PMSM vector control built by simulink, detailed experiment explanation and model explanation are attached to the file, which is very suitable for beginners)
    2020-12-23 13:07:32下载
  • FFTMatlab
    MATLAB 频谱分析和快速傅里叶变换 数字信号处理 信号分析 信号提取(MATLAB FFT spectrum analysis and digital signal processing signal analysis Signal Extraction)
    2010-07-06 18:55:47下载
  • SVR
    一个用于测试准周期信号的周期的小程序,横须中用ECG信号测试,测试ECG信号的周期(A small program used to test the quasi-periodic signal cycle, cross to be using the ECG signal test, test ECG signal cycle)
    2013-03-24 20:48:46下载
  • TranslateToolsV1.3
    能够实现调用GP工具,功能解释详细,功能强大,实现简单,说明简要(Can realize the calls to the GP tool, detailed, powerful, simple function of interpretation, brief)
    2014-01-24 21:44:37下载
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