(MATLABbasedonthe&quotPowerElectronics&quotsimulationstudyinordertofacilitatethesechangestocircuitsimulationusingtheMATLAB-Simulinklibrary.Atthesametime,theuseofVISUALBASIClanguageofpowerelectronicconvertercircuitsandtheMATLABsimulationwaveformslinkinterfaceforamoreconciseandintuitivemanner,evenintheabsenceofguidancetoenablelearnerstocompletetheindependentpowerelectronicconvertercircuitsimulation.)-IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn"> (MATLABbasedonthe&quotPowerElectronics&quotsimulationstudyinordertofacilitatethesechangestocircuitsimulationusingtheMATLAB-Simulinklibrary.Atthesametime,theuseofVISUALBASIClanguageofpowerelectronicconvertercircuitsandtheMATLABsimulationwaveformslinkinterfaceforamoreconciseandintuitivemanner,evenintheabsenceofguidancetoenablelearnerstocompletetheindependentpowerelectronicconvertercircuitsimulation.) - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
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于 2009-08-09 发布 文件大小:222KB
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说明:  基于MATLAB的“电力电子技术"仿真实验的研究 为了方便地对这些变流电路进行仿真, 采用了MATLAB的Simulink库。同时,还采用VISUAL BASIC语言将电力电子变流电路的波形与MATLAB 仿真界面进行链接,以便更简洁地、直观地,甚至是在无人指导的情况下,让学习者独立地完成电力电子 变流电路的仿真实验。 (MATLAB based on the " Power Electronics" simulation study in order to facilitate these changes to circuit simulation using the MATLAB-Simulink library. At the same time, the use of VISUAL BASIC language of power electronic converter circuits and the MATLAB simulation waveforms link interface for a more concise and intuitive manner, even in the absence of guidance to enable learners to complete the independent power electronic converter circuit simulation.)



0 个回复

  • FastICA
    计算快速ICA(独立分量分析)的方法,结果表明,该方法行之有效 (Calculation of fast ICA (Independent Component Analysis) method, results show that the method worked well)
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  • IEEE6
    计算IEEE-6节点系统牛顿拉夫逊潮流计算,通用的算法。非常实用(chaoliu jisuan IEEEE-6)
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  • 77433611matlab--AGC(1)
    自动增益控制 AGC 的MATLAB 程序 (auotomation gain control matlab programmme)
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  • HHT
    希尔伯特-黄变换是一种时频分析方法,用于对非平稳信号进行分析(Hilbert-Huang transform is a time-frequency analysis)
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  • Heston
    Heston Model option pricings and comparison(Compares the option prices obtained using the analytical Heston formula (1993) and the FFT method (Carr-Madan formula via FFT+ Simpson s, Carr-Madan using adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadrature, and Lipton s formula using adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadrature).)
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  • GenCode128
    day la mot chuong trinh rat la thu vi, duoc su dung rong rai tren toan the gioi
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  • cell-1
    光伏太阳电池的仿真,基本的数学公式与基本知识(PV solar cell simulink)
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  • xiaoboyuzhiquzao
    小波阈值降噪的matlab代码 里面有两个程序 一个比较了软硬阈值去噪 另外一个对多层小波分解的阈值去噪做了对比(Wavelet threshold denoising matlab code there are two programs a relatively soft and hard thresholding is another multi-layer wavelet threshold denoising to do a comparison)
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  • dtcydl
    这是一个低通抽样定理,例题中包括了低通信号的波形,抽样速率为4Hz的抽样信号,抽样序列恢复出原始信号(This is a low-pass sampling theorem, examples included in the lowpass signal waveform, the sampling rate is 4Hz sampling signal to recover the original signal sample sequence)
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  • wavelet
    源码是MATLAB7.0在图像处理中的应用这本书中的应用实例一:小波图像分解与合成,有关haar小波的,主程序中需要做少许改动运行会成功(可以参照书来改动)。(Source is MATLAB7.0 in the image processing application example in this book I: Wavelet image decomposition and synthesis, the haar wavelet, the main program needs to be done a little change in the run will be successful (you can refer to the book to change).)
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