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于 2010-04-04 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  back poropagation algorithm





0 个回复

  • SignalStrengthIndicator
    无线网络信号扫描,信号强度,ssid等等(Wireless network signal scanning)
    2012-05-30 09:27:51下载
  • SearchSql
    SQL Server命名管道扫描器,扫描一段网络内的Microsoft SQL Server数据库。(SQL Server named pipe scanner Scans a network within the Microsoft SQL Server database.)
    2013-04-25 09:09:25下载
  • XISE WBMS管理V13.0版本
    XISE WBMS管理V13.0版本 XISEWBMS菜刀官方网站(Xise WBMS31649 The official website of XISEWBMS kitchen knife)
    2020-06-22 08:20:01下载
  • 1cchhap3ppt
    1. 目录get mac是获取机器网卡地址程序源码;2. 目录GetIpAddress是根据机器名和域名获取IP地址程序源码;3. 目录getlocalip是获取本地机器ip地址程序源码;4. 目录pping是pping程序源码代码;5. 目录portscanner是本地机器端口扫描程序源码,其中扫描可能端口就是扫描计算机上全部可能的端口;6. 目录超级链接是在窗体上实现超级链接到IE与自动发送邮件 (1. Catalog the get mac is access to the machine network card address of the program source 2. Directory GetIpAddress is to get IP address of the program source code according to the machine name and domain name 3. Directory getlocalip get local machine ip address of the program source 4. Directory pping is the the pping program source code 5. directory portscanner local machine port scanner source computer scan may port scan all possible ports Contents hyperlinks on the form of a hyperlink to the IE and automatically send e-mail)
    2012-08-02 22:14:49下载
  • CalmScanner-master
    C# 实现的主机IP扫描,是学习C# 网络开发的参考例子(C# Host IP scan using C#)
    2012-12-25 20:02:46下载
  • PortScanner
    多线程端口扫描,《小小黑客之路》第五章 警报,遭到扫描源码,案例为端口扫描器,可以扫描对应网段内所有机器是否开启及打开的端口号。(Multithreaded port scanning, " Little hackers Road" Chapter alarm was scanning source case port scanner, you can scan the machine is turned on, and open the port number corresponding network segment.)
    2012-11-13 13:54:19下载
  • FindUdpPort
    UDp端口扫描,可以扫描任意安装TCP/IP协议的主机,并且可以扫描该主机中的一个端口。点击UDP Scan按钮,实现对UDP端口的扫描过程。在Windows操作系统环境中,建议使用Visual C++编程工具实现。(UDp port scan, can scan any install TCP/IP protocol, host, and can scan a port in the host. Click on the UDP Scan button on the UDP port scanning process. In the Windows operating system environment, it is recommended to use Visual C++ programming tools.)
    2012-07-29 09:58:36下载
  • bp
    说明:  back poropagation algorithm
    2010-04-04 13:14:15下载
  • ProcessExplorer-v11.04H
    Process Explorer 是一款免费的增强型任务管理器,是最好的进程管理器. 它能让使用者了解看不到的在后台执行的处理程序,可以使用它方便地管理你的程序进程. 能监视,挂起,重启,强行终止任何程序,包括系统级别的不允许随便终止的关键进程和十分隐蔽的顽固木马. (Process Explorer is a free enhanced task manager, is the best process manager. It allows users to understand the background to look not at the implementation of treatment procedures, you can use it to easily manage your processes. Can surveillance, suspend, restart, forced termination of any procedure, including the system does not allow any level of the termination of the critical process and is very stubborn Trojan hidden.)
    2009-03-02 15:01:33下载
  • KauNet-1.0.0.tar
    Kau Net is used for Traffic Shaping, It can be used in any scenario
    2009-03-12 01:50:39下载
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