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于 2010-04-06 发布 文件大小:111KB
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说明:  驱动程序实验 linux下进行操作 基础学习(driver program)



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  • Introduction to Visual Studio and CSharp
    An E-book which introduces visual studio and c#
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  • ThumNganRaiJaDaiBoonMak
    eBook Free from Thailand
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  • MATLAB编程(第二版)-菜鸟入门教材(1)
    这个非常适合有初步学习经验的人来更加深入学习matlab编程,其中有实际的例子非常适合学习(This is very suitable for people with preliminary learning experience to learn more about matlab programming, and there are practical examples that are very suitable for learning.)
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  • wireless communication无线通信(美)哥德史密斯
    说明:  《无线通信》重点论述当前各类无线通信系统中具有普遍性和代表性的基本知识,包括基本的理论、问题、设计思路和分析方法。全书内容包括无线信道模型、无线信道容量、无线通信中的调制编码技术及均衡处理技术、扩频通信,还包括多天线系统、多用户系统、多载波调制、自适应调制与编码、蜂窝系统及无线自组织网络等。书中每部分内容的讲述都有全新的视角和独特的处理方法,并配合丰富的图示、例题和习题。 《无线通信》适合作为通信工程和电子信息类相关专业高年级本科生和研究生的教材,同时也可供工程技术人员参考。(Wireless Communication focuses on the basic knowledge of universality and representativeness in current wireless communication systems, including basic theories, problems, design ideas and analysis methods. The book includes wireless channel model, wireless channel capacity, modulation and coding technology in wireless communication, equalization processing technology, spread spectrum communication, and also includes multi-antenna system, multi-user system, multi-carrier modulation, adaptive modulation and coding, cellular system and wireless self-organizing network. Each part of the book has a new perspective and unique treatment methods, and with rich graphics, examples and exercises. Wireless Communication is suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in communication engineering and electronic information. It can also be used as a reference for engineers and technicians.)
    2019-02-02 14:13:11下载
  • Learning Data Mining with Python
    说明:  Python数据挖掘入门与实践 本书作为数据挖掘入门读物,介绍了数据挖掘的基础知识、基本工具和实践方法,通过循序渐进地讲解算法,带你轻松踏上数据挖掘之旅。本书采用理论与实践相结合的方式,呈现了如何使用决策树和随机森林算法预测美国职业篮球联赛比赛结果,如何使用亲和性分析方法推荐电影,如何使用朴素贝叶斯算法进行社会媒体挖掘,等等。本书也涉及神经网络、深度学习、大数据处理等内容。本书面向愿意学习和尝试数据挖掘的程序员。(Introduction and practice of Python data mining As a primer on data mining, this book introduces the basic knowledge, basic tools and practical methods of data mining. By step-by-step explanation of the algorithm, you can easily embark on the journey of data mining. This book uses a combination of theory and practice, showing how to use the decision tree and random forest algorithm to predict the results of the American professional basketball league game, how to use the affinity analysis method to recommend movies, how to use the naive Bayesian algorithm for social media mining ,and many more. This book also covers neural networks, deep learning, big data processing and more. This book is for programmers who are willing to learn and experiment with data mining.)
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