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于 2011-03-17 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  代码是基于Matlab的图像融合算法性能测试,可以对各种融合算法进行分析并且看出各种算法融合效果的优劣(Matlab code is based on performance tests of image fusion algorithms that can analyze a variety of fusion and fusion to see the pros and cons of various algorithms)



0 个回复

  • ReBEL-0.2.5
    Matlab toolbox that contains functions of Kalman filter and random system simulation.
    2007-06-29 22:07:41下载
  • musicchangespeed
    music change speed中,jiasu.m是让一首音乐旋律速度加快播放,jiansu.m是让一首音乐旋律速度减慢播放,两个情况下都不改变音乐的基调。(Music change speed, jiasu.m is to allow a faster melodic playing, jiansu.m is to make a musical rhythm to slow down play, the two cases do not change the tone of music.)
    2009-11-13 15:28:32下载
  • tuxiangronghe
    基于小波变换的像素级图像融合以及它的实现方式,经过仿真,取得了良好的效果。(Wavelet-based pixel level image fusion and its implementation, through simulation, and achieved good results.)
    2011-06-23 16:35:53下载
  • stylechange
    大小盘风格轮动策略,本版本暂时选取沪深300作为大盘股指数,中小板指数作为小盘股指数(Size of the disk style rotation strategy, the release time being selected as the CSI 300 index of large-cap stocks, small board index as the small cap index)
    2013-08-05 10:04:09下载
  • image-processing-toolboxes
    all image processing toolboxes
    2013-03-25 04:37:26下载
  • Motion-Detection
    matlab video motion detection and tracking
    2013-11-11 22:37:02下载
  • xiaobo
    一种基于小波变换的边缘检测Matlab源程序代码,对边缘检测方面的学习者很有帮助。(Based on wavelet transform edge detection Matlab source code for edge detection in learners helpful.)
    2010-03-07 16:46:58下载
  • scan_matching
    This a set of simple implementations for aligning scans of range-bearing laser data. They are written as demonstrations of basic algorithm implementations and are not designed for real-world (ie, efficient) application. The source code consists of MatLab scripts, mex-files and C++ code. to objects). This demo also provides a nice example of using "placement new" and explicit destruction. (This a set of simple implementations for aligning scans of range-bearing laser data. Th are written as a journalist in demonstrations of basic algor ithm implementations and are not designed for r Leveraging-world (ie, efficient) application. The source code consi sts of MatLab scripts, Mex-files and C code. to objects). This demo als o provides a nice example of using the "placement ne w "and explicit destruction.)
    2006-12-08 01:04:39下载
  • PACE-workshop
    关于Matlab PACE workshop 的详细介绍资料,可以供大家参考(Matlab PACE Workshop of presentation materials for your reference)
    2013-04-20 09:04:54下载
  • ofdm_fang_zhen
    在OFDM仿真模型的基础上用MATLAB语言编写出OFDM发送、信道及接收整个系统,在系统仿真正确的前提下,对循环前缀、信道估计等性能改善方法进行进一步仿真验证,得到了预期的理想结果 (In OFDM simulation model based on the use of MATLAB language to send the OFDM, channel and receive the entire system, in the system under the premise of the correct simulation of the cyclic prefix, channel estimation methods for further performance improvement simulation, have been expected results)
    2008-03-31 17:09:43下载
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