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于 2009-01-08 发布 文件大小:149KB
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  基于RADON变换的。运动模糊处理,其中程序请按说明使用(Based on the RADON transform. Motion blur processing, in which procedures follow the instructions to use)


radon deblurring



0 个回复

  • 720全景
    说明:  360全景 720全景 VR 360度 720度 全景 漫游 最新添加功能: 1 支持视频播放。 2 支持多个场景 3 支持更换图片(全景图外部链接,XML配置)。(360 Panoramic 720 Panoramic VR 360 Degree 720 Degree Panoramic Walkthrough Latest Add Function: 1 Supports Video Playing. 2 Support multiple scenarios 3 support replacing pictures (panoramic external links, XML configuration).)
    2020-11-26 15:09:31下载
  • 2119413023220076181125249677325rar
    可用于视频目标检测中背景生成的混合高斯模型(Can be used for video object detection in the context of generating a mixture of Gaussian model)
    2008-05-30 16:34:06下载
  • fft
    对变形的条纹图像进行傅立叶变换得到二维频谱图并提取基频(Fourier transform in deformation stripes image two-dimensional spectrum and extract the fundamental frequency )
    2021-03-04 20:49:32下载
  • trace
    8邻域边缘连接,实现闭合边界跟踪,简单实用(8 neighborhood edge connector, to achieve closure boundary tracking, simple and practical)
    2010-12-13 21:08:56下载
  • 摄影测量点云 Grid
    摄影测量点云,三维激光点云进行点云特征图像提取进行格网化代码(Photogrammetric point cloud, 3D laser point cloud, point cloud feature image extraction for grid code)
    2018-10-11 11:54:57下载
  • single_phase_grid_pv
    单相并网光伏逆变系统仿真,带最大功率点跟踪(PV system is connected to grid through single phase inverter)
    2013-09-03 13:37:00下载
  • 85375563DSCM_v1.0
    曲面拟合法是一种高精度、计算量小、抗噪性能强的方法,当前已被广泛地应用于 各种场景。比如岩石材料的变形测量、电子器件变形的测量、基于掌纹图像相关匹 配的重复定位技术等。曲面拟合法能够成功计算出亚像素位移的前提是整像素搜索阶 段可以正确搜索出模板的整像素匹配点,一旦整像素匹配点搜索出现错误,那么亚像素 测量阶段所得到的位移距离就会失去意义。 使用不同的拟合函数对相关系数矩阵进行曲面拟合,会对结果产生一定的影响,比 较常用的拟合函数有二次函数、三次函数、高斯函数等。(Surface fitting method is a high-precision, computational complexity is small, strong anti-noise performance method, has been widely used in various scenes. For example, deformation measurement of rock materials, deformation measurement of electronic devices, and repetitive location technology based on palmprint image correlation matching. Surface fitting method can successfully calculate the sub-pixel displacement on the premise that the whole pixel search stage can correctly search the template of the whole pixel matching point, once the whole pixel matching point search error, then the sub-pixel measurement phase of the displacement distance will be meaningless. Using different fitting functions to fit the surface of the correlation coefficient matrix will have a certain impact on the results. The commonly used fitting functions are quadratic function, cubic function, Gaussian function and so on.)
    2018-09-26 21:46:28下载
  • SAR image
    国防科技大学博士周晓光论文-极化SAR图像分类方法研究(Research on polarization SAR image classification method by Dr. Zhou Xiaoguang of National University of Defense Technology)
    2018-06-05 23:38:47下载
  • speckle
    生成变形前后高斯分布的散斑图像,可调节散斑尺寸、散斑数量等相关参数,并提供散斑质量的评价方法,用于DIC的模拟计算(The speckle image of Gauss distribution before and after deformation can be adjusted, speckle size, speckle number and other related parameters, and the speckle quality evaluation method is also provided. It is used for the simulation of DIC)
    2017-09-01 20:08:16下载
  • cubicfive
    用C++编写的产生文章的程序,方便有需要的人(C generated articles prepared by the procedures that are accessible to people in need)
    2007-05-11 09:18:16下载
  • 696532资源总数
  • 103709会员总数
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