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于 2011-03-18 发布 文件大小:3KB
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说明:  此程序是做全息合成孔径实验室用于把几幅不同角度拍摄的全息图的再现像叠加到一起,达到提高分辨率的效果(This procedure is done holographic synthetic aperture laboratory to make the pieces of the same map superimposed together to achieve the effect of improving resolution)



0 个回复

  • sim
    调制指数为0.5的2幅度CPFSK信号的相位轨迹图仿真模型。simulink模型(Modulation index range of 0.5 to 2 CPFSK signal simulation model of the phase trajectories. simulink model)
    2011-06-06 08:33:02下载
  • SVM_lzb1p0
    简单的支持向量机工具箱,包含几种简单的核函数(Simple support vector machine (SVM) toolkit that contains several simple kernel function)
    2015-04-22 20:40:11下载
  • matlab_m
    基于matlab的图像处理中滤波的一些M文件源码。rar文件。(DIP filter)
    2009-05-21 18:45:05下载
  • matlab
    本文首先研究了ISAR成像的基本原理,在理想转台模型的基础上对距离-多普勒(R-D)成像算法做了分析,对目前常用的运动补偿技术进行了对比和研究,并将这些技术用于雅克-42飞机的实测数据中。然后,论文系统地论述了压缩感知主体理论,重点对信号重构中的基追踪(BP)算法和正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法进行了深入的研究和讨论,并通过正弦信号的仿真结果验证了两种方法的有效性。(Firstly, the basic principle of ISAR imaging study, based on an ideal model for distance turntable- Doppler (RD) imaging algorithm to do the analysis of the motion compensation techniques currently used are compared and studied, and the use of these technologies in the measured data in the Yak-42 aircraft. Then, the paper systematically discusses the theory of compressed sensing body, focusing on the signal reconstruction of the base track (BP) algorithm and orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm is conducted in-depth studies and discussions, and the simulation results verify the sinusoidal signal the effectiveness of the two methods.)
    2021-04-25 22:28:46下载
  • MATLAB-code-of-MIMO-system
    Simulink通信系统建模一书中的MIMO通信系统仿真MATLAB源程序,包括word文档介绍,是非常好的通信系统仿真的学习参考资料(The book Communication Systems Simulink modeling the MIMO communication system simulation MATLAB source code, including word document describes, is a very good communication system simulation study reference)
    2011-08-20 10:45:16下载
  • stephan.mdl.tar
    Modeling the Stephan cooking mixer, Hardware in the loop simulation
    2013-10-09 20:47:04下载
  • 6268hough
    hough变换的检测函数,调试成功的,可以用,对于圆检测很有帮助,大家可以学习一下(hough transform function testing, debugging successful, you can use, very helpful for circle detection, we can learn about)
    2010-07-24 16:48:28下载
  • BER
    bpsk,qpsk等的误码率比较程序,可直接运行 (bpsk, qpsk comparison procedures such as bit error rate can be directly run)
    2011-05-05 21:21:16下载
  • matlab_waitbar
    matlab 关于waitbar的使用方法,写的较为清晰(matlab waitbar use clearer)
    2012-10-31 23:09:55下载
  • picture
    该图片是对无线传感网络,从能量和死亡节点进行仿真验证,所用算法为改进量子遗传算法(The picture is a wireless sensor network nodes and death from energy simulation, the algorithm used to improve the quantum genetic algorithm)
    2013-12-05 10:32:56下载
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