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于 2010-04-12 发布 文件大小:2KB
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说明:  gmsk调制解调程序,利用matlab进行仿真,通信类设计可用(gmsk modulation and demodulation process, using matlab simulation, Communications design available)



0 个回复

  • CorrelationMotionEstimation
    基于相位相关性的运动估计实现方法,matlab代码(Phase correlation-based motion estimation method, matlab code)
    2009-04-15 19:29:15下载
  • combining-work
    removal of powerline interference in ecg
    2011-02-16 13:26:12下载
  • rwavedetection
    心电信号R波检测的函数,包括降采样,滤波,希尔伯特包络提取三个预处理步骤。其中R波根据阈值检测,相对不应期要根据具体信号适当调整.(ECG R-wave detection functions, including down-sampling , filtering, Hilbert envelope extracted three pretreatment steps. Wherein R wave detection based on a threshold , the relative refractory period should be adjusted according to the specific signal . )
    2013-07-27 10:32:57下载
  • zhang
    盲源信号分离使用到的可设和具体的很多东西,自己下下来看(Blind Source Separation use to set up and a lot of things under their own point of view)
    2012-06-18 20:14:17下载
  • Target_Tracking_Simulation_Program
    MATLAB雷达信号处理程序,非常完整的MATLAB程序(MATLAB radar signal processing coding)
    2013-08-27 15:39:02下载
  • IABC
    在求解函数优化问题时,为了提升人工蜂群算法局部搜索能力,提出了一种新颖的混沌蜂群算法。(in order to improve the ability of artificial bee colony algotithm at exploitation, a novel chaos-artificial bee colony algorithm is proposed for continuous function optimization problems. )
    2020-08-14 13:28:28下载
  • hht
    希尔伯特黄变换(HHT)的 完整 MATLAB程序 (Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT) of the complete MATLAB program)
    2021-03-06 11:19:30下载
  • GAreal_tourney
    ntroduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization, 2003 This program runs a GA with real-number coding. Elitism is used and the mutation operator is simply the addition of a Gaussian random vector to the non-elite elements. The user is expected to set a variable expect_fn representing the expected number of function evaluations allowed.
    2010-01-07 20:45:52下载
  • weighted_total_least_squares_approximation
    The toolbox solves a variety of approximate modeling problems for linear static models. The model can be parameterized in kernel, image, or input/output form and the approximation criterion, called misfit, is a weighted norm between the given data and data that is consistent with the model. There are three main classes of functions in the toolbox: transformation functions, misfit computation functions, and approximation functions. The approximation functions derive an approximate model from data, the misfit computation functions are used for validation and comparison of models, and the transformation functions are used for deriving one model representation from another. KEYWORDS: Total least squares, generalized total least squares, software implementation.
    2008-08-03 14:59:07下载
  • 72828202f06f
    高信噪比实测数据线谱提取,使线谱提取的一种典型方法(high signal-to-noise ratio measured spectral line data extraction, spectral lines from a typical method )
    2011-04-27 20:24:31下载
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