首页 » Visual C++ » 开发BREW扩展类


于 2006-02-21 发布 文件大小:151KB
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说明:  介绍如何开发BREW扩展类,扩展类可以扩充BREW的功能。(how to develop BREW extensions, extensions can be expanded BREW function.)



0 个回复

  • MapXpro006
    在VC中利用MAPX实现各种性质的图层的使用,其中不包括细化图层。(in VC Connection use of various layers of the nature of the use, which does not include the thinning layer.)
    2005-03-17 19:24:00下载
  • Charge
    有关三维插补的程序,自己做一个数据库,记录一些数据点的插补值,可通过补偿算法,算出其他点的插补值(The 3 d interpolation procedures, own a database, record the data point of some interpolation value, but through the compensation algorithm, work out the other points interpolation value)
    2012-06-29 09:55:51下载
  • multiview
    VC++实现 multiview多视图窗口的实例源代码,可看到打开窗体时有几个子窗体随主窗口一起打开,如果你不知道这是怎么创建的,那么你需要本源码为你提供参考。源码在VC6.0下可顺利编译。如果初次编译有误,你可重新编译一下即可正常。(VC++ implementation source code examples multiview multi-view window, you can see there are several sub-forms together with the main window opens, if you do not know how to create, then you need to provide a reference for the source when you open the form. Source code can be compiled successfully under VC6.0. If the initial compilation is incorrect, you can recompile to normal.)
    2014-06-03 14:46:24下载
  • hailang147258
    说明:  本源码是仿真海浪运动的实例,代码有详细的注释,是初学的好例子(???)
    2008-08-30 10:27:52下载
  • HDI-Silverlight-source-WebcamMic_CS
    wpf 构建三维应用程序实例 (wpf application to build three-dimensional examples)
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  • can232
    给出了基于MFC的can232接口的调试程序(MFC-can232 given based debugger interface)
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  • torbrowser
    torborwser 洋葱路由安装包,隐藏IP地址。(Torborwser onion routing package, hide IP address.)
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  • siftpp-0.7.3
    关于sift的编程,基于vc++,快速的实现特征匹配(With regard to sift programming, based on vc++, the rapid realization of feature matching)
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  • 实例69 快速检索指定文件
    说明:  本程序用来快速检索指定文件,使用VC编写,对初学者及开发人员有一定启示作用(the procedures used for the designated rapid retrieval of documents and use VC prepared for beginners and developers a certain inspiration)
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  • DBConvertor
    信息系统建设过程中很有可能涉及与旧有系统和其它异构系统之间的集成,而在这些集成当中数据的共享和集成无疑是非常重要的部分。数据映射系统为快速响应异构数据结构和系统之间进行数据共享和集成的需求提供了有力的支持。(Information systems building process is likely to have involved with the old system and other integration between heterogeneous systems, and in which these integrated data sharing and integration is a very important part. Data mapping system for rapid response to heterogeneous data structures and systems for data sharing and integration needs to provide a strong support.)
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