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于 2020-07-03 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  这是一个简单的学生信息管理系统 vc++可作为作业使用(This is a simple student information management system vc++ can be used as a work)





0 个回复

  • CPPpersonal-book-management-code
    最简单的个人图书管理系统。可以实现图书名、作者名、出版社、阅读状态等内容的输入和显示。具有最简单的搜索功能,以及将搜索结果保存至一个txt文档等。适合C++初学者。(The most simple personal library management system. Can book name, author name, publisher, read the status of the input and display content. With the most simple search function, and save the search results to a txt documents. Suitable C++ beginners.)
    2013-11-26 03:47:40下载
  • kswb
    考试试室安排,可安排试室座号,打印准考证,试室名单,签到表等^(Exam test room arrangement )
    2020-12-28 16:19:01下载
  • Ideas_for_IELTS_topics_(simon)
    雅思写作口语的ideas,提供雅思话题与作文论据,帮助出国留学人员在雅思考试中有话可说,有东西可写(IELTS writing ideas spoken, IELTS essay topics and arguments to help students studying abroad have something to say in the IELTS exam, there is something to write)
    2016-05-11 16:07:03下载
  • KSexam
    本课题采用JAVA进行开发,集题库管理,在线考试,实时评判于一体的在线考试系统,研究了计算机考试系统的发展状况,关键技术以及存在的问题。详细研究了系统的体系结构,软件功能模块等,系统通过提高测验考试的效率,增强测试考试的反馈效果(The subject of the use of JAVA for development, set bank management, online testing, real-time judge in one of the online examination system to study the development of computer examination system, key technologies and problems. Detailed study of the system architecture, software function modules, the system by improving the efficiency of examinations and tests to enhance the feedback effect of the test exam)
    2011-11-16 10:27:09下载
  • tushuguanlixitongyuandaima
    图书管理系统,是一个由人、计算机等组成的能进行管理信息的收集、传递、加工、保存、维护和使用的系统。(Library management system, is a by the people, the computer can be composed of the collection of management information, transmission, processing, preservation, maintenance, and use of the system.)
    2016-03-16 18:42:29下载
  • c++学生管理
    一个学生信息管理系统。用的是MFC ODBC来完成的。在成绩管理系统中,当查询到记录后要刷新,使所有的记录从新显示出来的话,如果系统中存在7000条记录的话,刷新一次的时间要20多秒钟,处理后,可以在用户查询后,在不到一秒中的时间内来完成刷新。另:用户名:good,密码:py(a student information management system. The MFC ODBC to be completed. The performance management system, when inquiries to the record to refresh so that all the records show that the new, and if there System 7000 record of the case, set a time of more than 20 seconds and processed, the user can inquiry, in less than one second of time to complete the update. Another : Username : good, Password : py)
    2005-07-30 10:24:44下载
  • VB_BookManagementInformationSystem
    这是我在学校编写的VB的图书管理信息系统,功能比较全面,入库、借还书、查询、修改和打印等功能都已经实现。(This software can realize the basic function for book management.)
    2013-12-27 16:00:34下载
  • supermarket
    aplikasi untuk minimarket
    2018-05-28 15:21:53下载
  • FMDB
    基于VC++和数据库的学生成绩管理 程序能运行 基本没什么错误
    2010-12-08 14:10:32下载
  • xueshengchengji
    学生成绩管理系统 为C++源码 采用sql Server数据库 主要功能: 查询,添加,删除,显示“学院,各系,班级,学生,教师,社团,课程”等信息 (Student achievement management system for the C++ source code using sql Server database main functions: query, add, delete, show the " college, faculty, classes, students, teachers, community, curriculum," and other information)
    2009-07-01 09:27:24下载
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