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于 2011-04-21 发布 文件大小:95KB
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  文章主要介绍了利用MATCOM进行VC和MATLAB 混合编程的步骤与优点, 并将其用于SAR 图像处理与质量评估软件开发。该软件通过图形与菜单, 界面用户只需进行简 单的菜单操作就可以得到直观的处理和评估结果, 为开展SAR 图像处理、质量评估研究提供了一个有力的工具。(Article introduces the use of MATCOM for VC++ and MATLAB programming steps and advantages of mixed and used in SAR image processing and quality assessment of software development. The software graphics and menus, just a simple user interface, menu operations can be intuitive handling and evaluation of results, for carrying out SAR image processing, quality assessment study provides a powerful tool.)



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  • matpower4.0-(1)
    MATPOWER是MATLAB的M文件包® 求解潮流和最优潮流问题。它的目的是作为一个研究者和教育者,是易于使用和修改仿真工具。MATPOWER是设计给最佳的性能,同时保持代码的简单理解和修改。它最初是为POWERWEB项目的一部分。(MATPOWER is a package of MATLAB® M-files for solving power flow and optimal power flow problems. It is intended as a simulation tool for researchers and educators that is easy to use and modify. MATPOWER is designed to give the best performance possible while keeping the code simple to understand and modify. It was initially developed as part of the PowerWeb project. )
    2015-01-29 11:47:23下载
  • MccDemo
    一个VC与MATLAB混合编程的简单示例,需用到ibmatpm.lib libmmfile.lib libmcc.lib libmatlb.lib libmx.lib libmat.lib(VC++ and Matlab mix-program demo ,must include ibmatpm.lib libmmfile.lib libmcc.lib libmatlb.lib libmx.lib libmat.lib)
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  • signal-processing
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  • biaoshiyushengcheng
    实验内容 信号与系统试验报告 自己的作业 1.设有两个信号: 要求x(t)和h(t)采样形成离散序列, 参数选择如下: 采样率Δ=4ms, 频率f=30Hz, a=2f2ln(M), M=2.5 在MATLAB下实现连续信号离散化, 并绘制出离散形式的信号波形。 (Experimental signal and system test the contents of the report of one)
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