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于 2021-01-03 发布 文件大小:11KB
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  王勖成《有限单元法》里面的教学源程序,PROGRAM OF PLANE PROBLEM 96.1(Wang Aimin, "Finite Element Method," in which the source of teaching, PROGRAM OF PLANE PROBLEM 96.1)





0 个回复

  • Landweber
    电容层析成像的landweber算法演示程序,并有详细的说明。(The capacitive tomography of the landweber algorithm demonstrates the program and has a detailed description.)
    2020-12-31 09:59:04下载
  • jMetalPy-master-python
    用Python语言写的多目标进化算法库(2017年最新版本),包含常见的多目标进化算法以及当前最新文献中的最新算法,能够实现不同算法之间的性能比较(包含常见的GD, IGD, HV等评价指标自动生成)。可以供进化计算、多目标优化、单目标优化算法的学习参考。Python语言版本简单易懂,实用性强。(Library of multi-objective evolutionary algorithm written in Python language (the latest version in 2017), including multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and the most common new literature in the new algorithm, can realize the performance between different methods (including the common GD, IGD, HV and other evaluation index generation). It can be used as a reference for evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimization and single objective optimization. Python language version is simple and easy to understand, practical.)
    2020-10-06 19:37:37下载
  • MOM
    Matlab的矩量法程序,很适合初学者,共享下(Mothod of moment Codes)
    2012-09-16 10:30:40下载
  • PQ decomposition method
    说明:  进行PQ分解,计算电力系统潮流的有效方法,应用广泛(PQ decomposition is an effective method for calculating power flow in power system.)
    2019-04-23 21:34:16下载
  • black-oil-model
    该源程序是黑油模型的源代码,黑油模型是油藏数值模拟的基本程序。(The source is the source code of black oil model, black oil model is the basic numerical reservoir simulation program.)
    2020-11-11 17:19:46下载
  • 银行家法C++Builder
    用C++Builder实现的银行家算法可以任意 输入进程个数各类资源的个数输出安全序列(with C++ Builder bankers algorithm can process arbitrary importation of all types of resources the number of security Sequence Number output)
    2005-03-31 10:27:18下载
    用于计算Davar,较为方便,用于allan方差的初步学习(Used to calculate Davar, more convenient for the Allan variance of the preliminary study)
    2013-04-17 13:44:46下载
  • kalman
    说明:  本实验是利用卡尔曼滤波器实现一维匀加速运动的轨迹跟踪。卡尔曼滤波是一种时域滤波方法,它采用状态空间方法描述系统,算法采用递推机制,数据存储量小,在导航领域有成功的应用。(This experiment is the use of Kalman filter to achieve a one-dimensional constant acceleration of the trajectory tracking. Kalman filter is a time-domain filtering method, which uses state-space description of systems, algorithms using recursive mechanisms, data storage a small amount of success in the navigation area of the application.)
    2009-09-03 21:29:38下载
  • 3_1-D_CFD_scheme_ver2.zip
    The solver was mdae to solve the teat tansfrer fields with cooling and hot zone. The Gauss-seidial, ADI, Laasonnen, and Crank-Nicolson schemes are present in the code. You can handle the method you want, iteration and the level of tolerance. The code was made at the LINUX platform. Let me know if you need assistance.
    2017-09-28 19:06:51下载
  • decompression-evaporation-fluent模拟水的降压蒸发之UDF代码
    fluent模拟水的降压蒸发之UDF代码,适合传热流体相关专业,经验证可用(Fluent simulation of water decompression evaporation of the UDF code, and suitable for the heat transfer fluid related professionals, experience card can be used )
    2021-04-13 17:08:56下载
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