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于 2012-03-25 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  we will be addressing the major concerns in telecommunication nowadays which are channel equalization and echo cancellation using different adaptive algorithms in order to identify the most efficient methodology. There are a number of conventional algorithms available in literature and every algorithm has its own properties, however the aim of every adaptive algorithm is to achieve minimum mean square error at a high rate of convergence and with less complexity. The experimental results prove that Normalized Least Mean Square algorithm (NLMS) is the best for channel equalization



0 个回复

  • matlab_ziliao
    经典matlab培训课件,非常好,简单易学.(Matlab classical training courseware, very good, easy to learn.)
    2007-09-06 17:48:05下载
  • aerosonde_fs2000
    this file is inoder to let you be able to use the aer block found n the matlba for matlab issues n order to stay in the situation while occuring
    2014-08-25 20:49:04下载
  • Vraisembl
    Vraisembl METHODE Vraisembl METHODE
    2013-12-14 04:05:01下载
  • Matlab
    Herewith i attached the files for contingency, bus impedance matrix,short circuit fault current and swing curve
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  • 5
    说明:  describe the file once again
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    张正友摄像机标定的matlab实现原代码(Zhang camera calibration is the realization of the original code Matlab)
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  • chap06
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