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于 2011-05-07 发布 文件大小:615KB
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说明:  随着信息容量的增加和频率资源的稀缺,为提高单位频带利用率,在微波通信系统中越来越多地采用多电平多相位的复杂信号调制方式,尤其是正交幅度调制(QAM)得到了大量的应用,从早期的4QAM到今天的16QAM。高阶QAM调制大容量数字微波通信系统为了保证服务质量,降低误码率,(long with the increase of information capacity and frequency resource scarcity, for improving the utilization ratio, unit of microwave communication bandwidth used more and more in the system of multilevel much phase modulation method complex signal amplitude modulation )



0 个回复

  • DSP_Mitra
    dsp book mitra codes matlab files
    2010-06-13 17:36:51下载
  • DTC
    说明:  一个关于电机直接转矩控制的MATLAB仿真,欢迎提出修改意见QQ:404340669(A direct torque control of MATLAB simulation, welcomed the proposed amendments QQ: 404340669)
    2010-04-15 13:52:41下载
  • Lagrange-Interpolation
    lagrange interpolation matlab code
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    new induction machine model with matlab coding
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  • principal-component-analysis
    因子分析是指研究从变量群中提取共性因子的统计技术。最早由英国心理学家C.E.斯皮尔曼提出。因子分析可在许多变量中找出隐藏的具有代表性的因子。将相同本质的变量归入一个因子,可减少变量的数目,还可检验变量间关系的假设。(Factor analysis is the study of common factors extracted from the variable group statistical techniques. First proposed by British psychologist CE Spearman. Factor analysis can identify a representative factor to hide many variables. Will be essentially the same variables into one factor, can reduce the number of variables, but also test the hypothesis that the relationship between variables.)
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  • COM-based-Hybrid
    这个文件简述了一种混合编程方法 基于组件对象模型(组件对象模型, COM),用Matlab VBA。 (The article introduced a hybrid programming method based on Component Object Model (Component Object Model, COM) with Matlab and VBA. )
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  • chap09
    说明:  ex9_1 脉冲信号调制 ex9_2 载波10MHz,带宽2MHz的线性调频信号及其频谱图 ex9_3 产生7位巴克码编码的二相码 ex9_4 产生7位巴克码和线性调频的混合调制信号 ex9_5 瑞利分布实现程序 ex9_6 瑞利分布+杂波 ex9_7 相关对数正态分布杂波 ex9_8 相关weibull分布杂波 ex9_9 相干相关K分布杂波 ex9_10 线性调频信号的数字化正交解调 ex9_11 雷达脉冲压缩处理 ex9_12 二相编码信号的脉压处理 ex9_13 用FFT和FIR方法实现MTD处理(程序有错误) ex9_14 雷达的恒虚警处理(CFAR) ex9_15 比较相参积累和非相参积累 ex9_14 计算加性高斯白噪声准则下雷达探测的经典CFAR 二进制检测阈值和指定的虚警概率。 (瑞利噪声下快慢门限CFAR处理)(Ex9_1 pulse signal modulates ex9_2 carrier 10MHz, Linear Frequency Modulation signal of bandwidth 2MHz and its Spectrum Diagram ex9_14 calculation of classical CFAR under additive Gaussian white noise criterion Binary detection threshold and specified false alarm probability. (fast and slow threshold CFAR processing under Riley noise))
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