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于 2021-04-08 发布 文件大小:2563KB
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  混合动力汽车(HEV)是在电动汽车发展过程中出现的一种低油耗、低排放、续驶历程长、价格适中,兼具纯电动汽车和传统燃油汽车优点的新型汽车,由于在技术、经济和环境等方面的综合优势,HEV 被认为是目前最切实可行的清洁汽车方案。本文以混合动力轿车项目及其整车控制系统子课题为背景,主要研究HEV 的控制策略及其在实车上的应用。包括用matlab对汽车及其控制系统建模优化。(Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is in the process of development of electric vehicles the emergence of a low fuel consumption, low emission, long-driving course, affordable, both pure electric vehicles and conventional fuel vehicles the benefits of new cars, due to technical, economic and environmental aspects of the comprehensive advantages, HEV is considered to be the most viable clean vehicle program. In this paper, hybrid cars and the vehicle control system sub-project issues as background, the main research HEV control strategy and its application in the real car. Including the use of matlab modeling of the vehicle and its control system optimization.)





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  • ruchong
    清华大学的蠕虫研究资料入门级别的,教你怎么写怎么防范,清华大学的蠕虫研究资料入门级别的,教你怎么写怎么防范(Tsinghua University worm entry-level research materials, and teach you how to write how to prevent, Tsinghua University worm entry-level research materials, and teach you how to write how to prevent)
    2008-07-02 15:13:11下载
  • User-Experience-Case-Study
    互联网产品用户体验案例分析,帮助提高用户体验。(Internet product user experience case studies to help improve the user experience.)
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  • Sparsity-Inducing-DOA
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  • Computer-Networking-A-Top-Down-Approach-Featuring
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  • STK
    针对STK(Satellite Tool Kit)软件在军事任务可视化仿真领域中的广泛应用,为充分挖掘 其显示潜能,重点解决了影响其三维场景构建的瓶颈问题,即三维场景数据格式的转换和数据的获取 优化。在分析构建STK 三维场景所需要素及其作用的基础上,分别对地形、地表纹理、三维模型和GIS 等四类数据格式进行分析,并利用多种辅助软件,系统地提出了由较通用格式数据向STK 所支持格式 数据的转换方法,以及在对各类原始数据的获取和转换过程中出现的问题进行处理的优化方法。最后通过实例验证表明该数据格式转换方法和数据优化方法行之有效,三维场景显示效果逼真。(STK (Satellite Tool Kit) software widely used in the field of military tasks, visual simulation, to fully tap its display potential, focus on resolving the bottlenecks that affect the construction of the three-dimensional scene, 3D scene data format conversion and data Get optimization. On the basis of the required elements and their role in the analysis of building STK three-dimensional scene analysis, respectively, of the four types of terrain, surface texture, three-dimensional model and GIS data format and use a variety of assistive software, the system proposed by the more common format The data support the format of the data to STK conversion method, as well as access to various types of raw data and conversion process issues deal with the optimization method. Finally, an example to show that the data format conversion method and data optimization method is effective, realistic three-dimensional scene display.)
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  • DataDemon--time-frequency-analysis-
    DataDemon-时频分析解决方案 随着科技迅速发展,讯号分析处理者面临的是日趋庞大的计算数据量,和越来越复杂的仿真模式。如何缩短开发时间、节省研究经费、又能实现高效能、高弹性的运算平台供后续研究使用便越来越重要。 DynaDx提出DataDemon-时频分析解决方案,以组件组合的设计概念,免除繁杂程序写作方式,提供讯号处理的可视化控制组件,让处理讯号分析的过程就像拼组模型一般,使用者可依据自己的构想去组合出更多元之讯号分析呈现。不再需要从头撰写繁杂的程序代码便能使用各种讯号处理的算法,也不必将时间花在除错、评估程序运行效能,而能专注于研究目标的分析及后续应用的开发上。 (DataDemon-time-frequency analysis solutions With the rapid development of science and technology, signal analysis and processing is increasingly faced by the huge amount of data calculation, and increasingly complex simulation models. How to reduce development time, save research funding, but also to achieve high performance, flexible computing platform for subsequent research use have become increasingly important. DynaDx DataDemon-time frequency analysis proposed solutions to the design concept of component combinations, eliminating the complicated procedures written in a way to provide a visual signal processing control unit, so that the signal processing analysis process as spelled group of models in general, users can be based on their own idea to mix the signal out more element analysis presented. No longer need to write complicated code from scratch, will be able to use a variety of signal processing algorithms, nor do you have time to spend debugging, performance evaluation pro)
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  • dd-160128fc-2a.pdf.tar
    OLED DISPLAY MODULE I m using a 160x128 Graphic OLED Display from Densitron (DD-160128FC-2A) with the ATmega1281. The LCD is controlled via a SEPS525 OLED Driver IC. I use the LCD in 8bit parallel mode.  Both the LCD and controller datasheet is VERY vague and I struggle to get the LCD to respond. The OLED controller is configured via 3 registers, IR (Index), WDR (Write Data Register) & RDR (Read Data Register).  It is the first time I come across this register INDEXING method and can t find any examples or discussions on the control sequence. 
    2009-07-21 13:43:58下载
  • rtklib_2.4.1
    rtklib 版本2.4.1 An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning 日本开源网站上提供的关于GPS卫星数据解算的程序。All of the executable binary APs for Windows are included in the package as well as whole source programs of the library and the APs. * For real-time PPP, EUREF and IGS have already started to distribute real-time satellite orbit and clock as RTCM v.3 SSR messages via NTRIP. To receive the real-time satellite orbit and clock, users have to make registration and get an account to access the NTRIP broadcasters. Refer BKG GDC site http://igs.bkg.bund.de/ntrip/index for details. (All of the library functions and APIs are written in ANSI C (C89). The library internally uses standard socket and pthread for Linux/UNIX or winsock and WIN32 thread for Windows. By setting compiler option-DLAPACK or-DMKL, the library uses LAPACK/BLAS or Intel MKL for fast matrix computation. The console APs are also written in standard C. The library and console APs can be built on many environments like gcc on Linux. The GUI APs are written in C++ and utilize Borland VCL for the GUI toolkit. All of the executable binary APs in the package were built by free edition Borland Turbo C++ 2006 (http://www.turboexplorer.com)* on Windows. The binary APs were tested on Windows XP SP3 32bit and Windows 7 SP1 64bit. The console APs are also built and tested on Ubuntu 9.04 Linux. )
    2011-07-27 12:18:09下载
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