首页 » matlab » HW1_2_LMS


于 2006-11-05 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Adaptive filter 三种演算法RLS,LNS sign error LMS(three RLS algorithm. LNS sign error LMS)



0 个回复

  • mimocoding
    说明:  MIMO相关的空时编码 包括调制编码等等(MIMO related to the modulation coding space-time coding, etc.)
    2010-04-14 15:02:45下载
  • MobileFadingChannels
    非常好的信道衰落教材~涵盖了很多方面的知识(Very good fading ~ covers many aspects of teaching knowledge)
    2010-05-05 21:04:26下载
  • AsyLnCPSO
    matlab 最优化算法 matlab 最优化算法matlab 最优化算法(matlab zui you hua suan fa zui you hua suan fa )
    2012-03-28 14:54:24下载
  • The-influence-of-weight-coefficient
    等间距线性阵列,阵元数M=8,阵元间距d= λ /2,目标方位φr =0°,无噪 分别仿真计算等幅加权、汉宁窗加权、切比雪夫加权时的阵列方向图,定性分析产生的原因。(可分析不同窗函数引起的主瓣、旁瓣影响) (Equally spaced linear array, the number of array elements M = element spacing d = λ/2, target azimuth φr = 0, no noise respectively simulation amplitude weighted Hanning window weighted cut than snow laid upon the right of the array direction diagram, the qualitative analysis of the causes. (May analyze different window function causes the main lobe, side lobe effects))
    2020-11-04 20:49:53下载
  • CannyEdgeDetection
    performs canny edge detection algorithm using matlab platform
    2013-10-23 21:02:56下载
  • guess
    需要一个放有若干图片的文件夹,图片的文件名还需要提供一些信息,如“计61班.jpg”之类,具体格式可以修改源代码。然后显示图片让参与者猜是哪个班的。为系里男生节编写的一个简单的GUI程序(Need a put several pictures folder, pictures of the file name also need to provide some information, such as "(61 class. JPG," and so on, and the specific format can make changes to the source code. And then display picture participants had to guess which class is. For the day of a boy to write simple GUI program)
    2011-12-12 00:42:41下载
  • giuning
    用蒙特卡洛模拟的方法计算美式期权的价格以及基本描述,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,有小波分析的盲信号处理。( Monte Carlo simulation method of calculating the American option price and basic description, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, There Wavelet Analysis Blind Signal Processing.)
    2016-12-01 21:25:55下载
  • edgedetection
    Edge detection refers to the process of identifying and locating sharp discontinuities in an image. The discontinuities are abrupt changes in pixel intensity which characterize boundaries of objects in a scene.
    2013-05-04 07:01:51下载
  • BPagldiot
    根据BP算法在MATLAB上实现,无需调用其NNET工具箱(According to BP algorithm in MATLAB to achieve, without calling its NNET Toolbox)
    2008-12-23 11:19:41下载
  • Griewank1
    Griewank测试函数,经过实验已经可以使用,现在分享给大家啊(Griewank test function, after the experiment has been can now share with you ah)
    2011-09-01 14:53:23下载
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