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  Chapter 2 Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding In this chapter an overview is given of speech coding techniques at several bit rates. Most of them use Linear Prediction. This overview is not meant to be complete its purpose is to make the reader somewhat familiar with Linear Predictive Coding which is necessary for a proper understanding of later chapters. Section 2.1 treats the subject of quantisation and coding. In section 2.2 a description of speech production and speech sounds is given. Coders based on linear prediction can be considered as being based on a simple speech production model. This model is explained in section 2.3. Section 2.4 describes various speech coding algorithms and techniques. Section 2.5 briefly describes some measures for the quality of coded speech.(In this chapter an overview is given of speech coding techniques at several bit rates. Most of them use Linear Prediction. This overview is not meant to be complete its purpose is to make the reader somewhat familiar with Linear Predictive Coding which is necessary for a proper understanding of later chapters. Section 2.1 treats the subject of quantisation and coding. In section 2.2 a description of speech production and speech sounds is given. Coders based on linear prediction can be considered as being based on a simple speech production model. This model is explained in section 2.3. Section 2.4 describes various speech coding algorithms and techniques. Section 2.5 briefly describes some measures for the quality of coded speech.)


chapter2-low bit-rate speech coding.pdf,542898,2008-11-20



0 个回复

  • speech processing
    中国科学技术大学本科课程语音信号处理实验代码(speech processing code for USTCers)
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  • pyAudioAnalysis-master
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  • sources_4610
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