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于 2013-01-12 发布 文件大小:74KB
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  matlab语言与控制系统仿真实训教程的simulink仿真文件(the matlab language with the control system simulation training tutorial simulink simulation file)



0 个回复

  • eeg_toolbox_v2.3
    EEG toolbox : EEG toolbox for matlab for processing EEG signals.
    2021-02-09 10:29:53下载
  • Minimum_Time_Cubic_Spline
    基于最短时间的三次样条插值,可用于机械臂轨迹规划(Based on the shortest time three spline interpolation, it can be used for trajectory planning of manipulator.)
    2021-03-01 20:49:34下载
  • K_means-matlab
    kmeans算法matlab 实现,可以处理2维数据集(kmeans algorithm matlab implementation, can handle 2-D data set)
    2011-04-26 13:30:15下载
  • 08_CodingForHWPerformance
    The MATLAB coding style, project options and synthesis directives can have a significant effect on the final results. Knowledge about how a particular algorithm should be implemented in hardware can be reflected in the MATLAB code to improve the results. In doing so, the MATLAB loses a bit of its abstraction but the lower-level MATLAB will infer the desired architecture into the device.(The MATLAB coding style, project options and synthesis directives can h ave a significant effect on the final results. K nowledge about how a particular algorithm shou ld be implemented in hardware can be reflected i n the MATLAB code to improve the results. In doin g so, the MATLAB loses a bit of its abstraction but the lower-level MATLAB will infer the desired arch itecture into the device.)
    2007-04-18 13:02:37下载
  • mocomp
    motion compensation in sar systems
    2012-07-03 12:54:33下载
  • allfitdist
    matlab code for Fit all valid parametric probability distributions to data
    2015-02-03 14:20:45下载
  • TLBO_Algortithm
    TLBO metaheuristic algorithm to general optimization problem
    2015-04-09 03:49:24下载
    本源码是基于多尺度的retinex理论的实现代码,针对灰度和彩色图像均可使用!! (The source is based on the theory of multi-scale retinex implementation code for gray and color images can be used! !)
    2010-08-13 15:26:07下载
  • AllNeuralNetworkCompute
    包含6个*.m文件,分别是adline网络,bp网络,hopfiled网络,字符识别,学习速度自适应,和增强型lms算法的六个仿真算法程序,真是我的珍藏,这次全抖出来了。(contains 6 m*. documents were adline network bp network hopfiled network, character recognition, adaptive learning speed, lms and enhanced algorithm simulation algorithm six procedures, I really treasure this all shake out.)
    2007-01-29 17:41:25下载
  • AF4x4_Geneal
    antenna planar array can extant
    2012-11-11 19:49:08下载
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