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于 2021-05-12 发布 文件大小:2166KB
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  此matlab程序,用来检测并定位人脸及人眼。采用的算法是肤色的颜色分隔。附件中的文件包括 eyematch.m, eyematch2.m, face.m, findeye.m,skin.m, k001.JPG等等(This matlab procedures used to detect and locate human faces and the human eye. Algorithm used in the color of skin are separated. Attachment of documents including eyematch.m, eyematch2.m, face.m, findeye.m, skin.m, k001.JPG and so on)






0 个回复

  • Lane_Detection
    基于视频的车道线检测,首先对视频进行一系列预处理,然后进行边缘检测,霍夫变换直线检测,最后对检测出来的直线进行非车道线排除。(Video-based lane detection, the first of a series of video preprocessing, edge detection and Hough transform line detection, finally detected non-linear lane excluded.)
    2016-07-11 17:46:03下载
  • roewa
    roewa算子,源代码,适用于SAR图像(Roewa operator Applies to SAR image)
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  • abc
    1-32是:图形应用篇 33-66是:界面设计篇 67-84是:图形处理篇 85-100是:数值分析篇 (1-32 is: the application of articles 33-66 graphics is: interface design articles 67-84 is: graphics processing chapter 85-100 are: Numerical Analysis Section)
    2009-04-22 14:34:03下载
  • kunkuo
    一种基于轮廓的步态识别文献,思路清晰便于实现(Based on the outline of gait recognition literature, to facilitate the achievement of clear thinking)
    2007-06-06 11:54:00下载
  • CxVision_v0.05(xm)
    CxVision V0.05 源代码 智能机器视觉系统 0.05版本源代码(Euresys版本) 这是视觉智能的开始,应用于众多大型工业检测环境,多线程对相机多轴运动控制系统,针对当前最先进的智能视觉系统的一个雏形 当前版本是基于Euresys稳定的工业检测工具上的开源 此后版本 CxVision拥有了更多更强大的自主核心系统功能和核心算法 是现代智能视觉的领航系统 更多智能CxVision 搜索CxVision QQ群一起分享CxVision的发展和进步(CxVision V0.05 source code version of intelligent machine vision systems 0.05 source code (Euresys version) This is the beginning of visual intelligence, used in many large industrial inspection environments, multi-threaded multi-axis motion control system of the camera, for the most advanced intelligent vision The current version of a prototype system is based on Euresys stable industrial detection tools on the open source version of CxVision have more then a more powerful independent core functions and core algorithm is the vision of modern intelligent navigation systems more intelligent CxVision search CxVision QQ group to share the development and progress CxVision)
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  • 像融合算法
    针对电气设备同一场景的红外与可见光图像间一致特征难以提取和匹配的问题,提出了一种基于斜率一致性的配准方法。首先通过数学形态学方法分别提取红外与可见光图像的边缘,得到粗边缘图像;然后通过SURF算法提取两幅边缘图像的特征点,根据正确的匹配点对之间斜率一致性的先验知识,进行特征点匹配;最后通过最小二乘法求得仿射变换模型参数并实现两幅图像的配准。实验结果表明,该方法有效提高了匹配点对的正确率,能够对电气设备红外和可见光图像实现高精度的配准。(In this paper, a method based on slope consistency is proposed to solve the problem that the uniform features of infrared and visible images are difficult to extract and match. Firstly, the edges of infrared and visible images were extracted by mathematical morphology, and the rough edge images were obtained. Then, the feature points of two edge images were extracted by SURF algorithm, and the priori knowledge of slope consistency was obtained according to the correct matching point, and the feature points were matched. Finally, the model parameters of affine transformation are obtained by least square method and the registration of two images is realized. The experimental results show that this method can effectively improve the accuracy of matching points, and can realize high precision registration of infrared and visible images of electrical equipment.)
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  • 314131
    经验模式分解的matlab程序 hibert-huang变换,效果挺好的()
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