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于 2020-07-04 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  该程序实现水声信道的模拟方法及性能分析,提出了一种信的水声信道模型(The program implements underwater acoustic channel simulation methods and performance analysis, presents a letter of underwater acoustic channel model)





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  • YouToo
    说明:  sip开发相关资料集,为sip开发人员提供了很丰富的资料,适合初学者.
    2010-03-23 17:00:26下载
  • A-global-reconstruction-model
    已有的基于分块压缩感知的图像重构模型采用相同的测量矩阵以块 ×块的方式获取数据,解决了传统CS方法中测量矩阵所需存储量较大的问题,但由于采用分块重构,没有考虑 到图像的全局稀疏度,出现了大量的块效应。(Current image reconstruction models using block compressed sensing)
    2012-12-08 12:33:53下载
  • c03
    该程序实现水声信道的模拟方法及性能分析,提出了一种信的水声信道模型(The program implements underwater acoustic channel simulation methods and performance analysis, presents a letter of underwater acoustic channel model)
    2020-07-04 05:40:02下载
  • Smart-Antennas-For-Wireless-
    描述了智能天线在无线通信环境下的各种应用。(Describes a smart antenna in a wireless communication environment, a variety of applications.)
    2013-09-09 20:30:32下载
  • TQ2440
    本文系统的介绍了TQ2440开发板相关知识,对这方面的读者很有作用。(This article describes the system development board TQ2440 knowledge, useful in this respect the role of the reader.)
    2010-01-29 19:52:52下载
  • to2to
    二进制格雷码与自然二进制码的互换 它就是介绍怎么把二进制格雷码与自然二进制码的互换。主要是异或操作(itis to for 2to 2)
    2011-10-21 18:42:17下载
  • STK-develop
    SIM卡为表示能够执行proactive command且支持SAT,它必须在文件EFphaseTKG EFsst中有相关数据。 Phase文件指的是SIM卡所支持的GSM标准的级数,值为3则指SIM卡支持GSM phase 2和设置下传功能(profile download)。SST文件包含支持哪些GSM性能的准确信息。(SIM card that can support the implementation of proactive command and the SAT, it must file EFphaseTKG EFsst have relevant data. Phase document refers to the SIM card supports the GSM standard series, a value of 3 means the SIM card supports the GSM phase 2 and settings transfer function (profile download). SST file which contains support for GSM performance of accurate information.)
    2011-06-16 12:44:25下载
  • ourdev_598464
    DMX 512协议是Digital Multiplex的缩写,是灯光行业数字化设备的通用信号控制协议,同时也是是一种国际协议。   USITT DMX512/1990是调光和灯光控制台数据传输标准,是娱乐灯光领域常用的控制协议。以前0-10V模拟控制用的比较多,现在DMX512是娱乐灯光行业最主要的控制协议。USITT DMX512/1990是由美国剧场技术协会USITT提出的。最原始的版本出版于1986年,在1990年做了修改。 (DMX 512 protocol is short for Digital Multiplex is light industry, general-purpose digital signal device control protocol, but also is an international agreement. USITT DMX512/1990 is dimming and lighting control data transmission standard, is commonly used in the field of entertainment lighting control protocol. 0-10V analog control previously used more, now is the entertainment lighting industry, the main DMX512 control protocol. USITT DMX512/1990 by the American Association of Theater Technology USITT s. The original version published in 1986, was revised in 1990.)
    2011-12-02 15:44:06下载
  • VCMatlab
    VC++和 Matlab 的 混 合 编 程 具 有 很 大 的 实际意义。 文 讨 论 了如何 使 用 Matlab 的 Complier 将 *.m 函 数 编 译 为 动 态 链 接 库 DLL, 提 供 给 VC++调 用 的 方 法,提 供 了 一 种 VC++与 Matlab 混合编程的 快 速 实 现 。(The mixed programming of VC++ and Matlab has great practical significance. This paper discusses how to use COMplier of MATLAB to compile *. m function into DLL of dynamic link library and provide a method for calling VC++. It also provides a fast realization of mixed programming between VC++ and MATLAB.)
    2018-12-01 15:31:19下载
  • VoIP
    这个是华为的VoIP文档,讲述清晰,值得阅读!(This is Huawei' s VoIP documents, about clarity, it is worth reading!)
    2009-12-06 16:01:08下载
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