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  • k-means
    名为k-means的MATLAB函数,实现k均值算法。输入矩阵X,w,输出最终估计值和聚类的标识数字。(Called the k-means of the MATLAB function, to achieve k means algorithm. Input matrix X, w, the output value of the final estimates and cluster identification number.)
    2010-09-27 11:13:30下载
  • tsp
    蕞优分组周游路线问题是一类物流智能调度问题,是众多的计算难度极大的组合爆炸问题之一。自从运输问题最早是由Hitchcock在1941年提出的[2][4]后,人们对这一类问题给予了极大的关注并进行了大量的研究,提出了有效解决问题的优化算法——单纯形法的变形[2]。但由于问题规模的扩大,纯数学方法在允许的时间和空间上都很难找到问题的最优解,于是人们开始转向寻找问题的近似最优解,遗传算法以其在求解最优化问题中的独特的自组织性、自适应性很快进入人们的视野。 经典的遗传算法对于求解多目标的NP完全性问题非常有效,但对于有多个限制条件的多目标最优化问题缺显得有点力不从心,很难得到稳定度较高、收敛较快的解。本文提出的双层遗传算法模型给这一类问题提供了一个很好的解决方法,虽然建模条件限制了描述的问题的通用性,有待推广,但它能有效利用问题的领域知识,提高了求解效率,保证了解的可行性和最优性,算法思想极具推广潜力,可在其它物流智能调度问题求解算法设计中借鉴。(The most optimal packet travel route problem is a kind of intelligent logistic scheduling problem is one of combinatorial calculation difficult problem many. Since the transportation problem was first proposed by Hitchcock in 1941 after the [2][4], the people of this class of problems given great attention and made a lot of research, the deformation of [2] optimization, simplex method algorithm is effective to solve the problem of. But due to the expansion of the scale of the problem, the pure mathematical methods in the allowed time and space are very difficult to find the optimal solution of the problem, so people begin to turn to the approximate optimal solution for the problem, genetic algorithm in solving optimization problems with its unique in the self-organizing, adaptive soon entered people s field of vision. Very effective classical genetic algorithm for solving multi-objective NP complete problems, but for the multi-objective optimization problem with multiple constraints. I)
    2014-08-18 10:05:55下载
  • lm_mat_m
    just matlab logging message
    2013-12-06 17:32:08下载
  • fiber_grating_solver
    matlab codes for fiber Bragg gratings
    2015-03-31 02:05:32下载
  • detection
    频谱感知技术中的能量检测技术的程序代码仿真(Spectrum sensing technology in the energy detection code simulation)
    2013-05-12 19:52:32下载
  • matlabgui
    matlab GUI 编程的学习资料,是初学者入门的经典学习例程。通过一个实例 一步步演示,让大家了解gui 学会使用gui。(matlab GUI programming learning materials, is the classic beginner learning routines. Step by step through an example of a demonstration, let everyone know learn how to use gui gui.)
    2013-05-22 22:54:47下载
  • GSM_Digital_Down_Converter
    实现GSM下变频功能,matlab平台。(GSM capabilities to achieve down-conversion, matlab platform.)
    2009-10-20 09:02:12下载
  • CMP251
    This file is a resl seismic code in segy format.
    2009-11-10 00:27:15下载
  • hadamard
    plot signal wash-hadamard correlate.
    2009-12-08 18:29:50下载
  • rl
    说明:  瑞利随机数的生成,通过两个同方差的正态分布而求得,并求出其PDF和CDF(Rayleigh random numbers generated by two normal distribution with variance that obtained and solved its PDF and CDF)
    2010-05-17 13:27:42下载
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