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于 2011-10-19 发布 文件大小:302KB
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  基于矢量量化的孤立词语音识别系统看,性能良好,Matlab 实现!(Based on vector quantization of isolated word speech recognition system to see, good performance, Matlab to achieve!)





0 个回复

  • melp-MATLAB
    本代码是基于matlab实现的melp算法,编码速率为2.4kb/s(This code is based on the matlab implementation melp algorithms, coding rate of 2.4kb/s)
    2009-12-15 09:39:51下载
  • duoxinhaofenli
    多信号分离MUSIC的经典学习程序 对初学者帮助很大(it is a baisc and useful code of the multiple signal classfication for the beginners.)
    2013-09-11 20:32:20下载
  • Spectrogram
    matlab中语谱图实现代码,语谱图表示语音信号随时间而变化的谱特性(matlab implementation code in the spectrogram, spectrogram that change over time speech signal spectral characteristics of)
    2011-06-11 10:38:17下载
  • dtw
    本资料是自己编写的基于MATLAB语音工具箱的DTW动态时间规整的说话人识别,具有很高的识别率(This information is written in their own voice-based MATLAB toolbox DTW dynamic time warping speaker recognition with high recognition rate)
    2010-03-03 14:34:17下载
  • espeak-source
    这是开源语音合成espeak的源代码,对研究TTS的同学很有帮助。(This source code is open source speech synthesizer espeak, helpful studies TTS classmates.)
    2021-01-03 17:48:56下载
  • 聚类示例
    实验示例是基于语音中的mfcc,语音倒谱特征来进行聚类,先利用训练样本来计算训练样本聚类中心(用到了lbg算法),之后再进行分类。 注意:使用代码时需要自己更改文件路径。(This example is based on the MFCC in speech and the feature of speech Cepstrum to cluster. First, the training sample is used to calculate the training sample clustering center (using the LBG algorithm), then the classification is then carried out.)
    2018-04-02 09:19:02下载
  • speechhmm
    运用HMM进行语音识别之后的孤立词识别,里面函数俱全。可以直接运用,简单方便(Speech recognition with HMM isolated word recognition, which function and taste. Can directly use, simple and convenient)
    2012-12-01 14:07:09下载
  • matlab_yuyinxinghao
    语音信号的盲源分离算法研究及应用,本程序利用matlab实现(Blind Source Separation Algorithm Research and Application of the voice signal, the program using matlab realize)
    2012-12-03 16:53:56下载
  • HMM_matlab
    这是基于隐马尔可夫模型的连续语音识别代码,不同于dtw,这是个完整的工程,我把需要的voicebox也放进去了,一共用到9个子函数,包括模板的训练算法何识别算法,是完全可以使用的。(This is based on the hidden Markov model of continuous voice recognition code, different the dtw, which is a complete project, I need to put the voicebox into a total of nine sub-functions, including the template training algorithm to identify the algorithm, Is fully available.)
    2020-12-10 14:29:19下载
  • PVVSSessP2Po
    语音通信控件源码点对点专用版简介VSession语音通信控件源码点对点专用版,版本2.0,此版本集成了G729A压缩算法,实时传输协议,话音清晰流畅!使用简单易懂方便!此控件源码是在本人以前发布的控件件源码VSessionn2.0版本的基础上,加入点对点通信时的呼叫,应答,挂断等通话前后的同步功能,使其用于点对点通信更加方便!如果您想要在程序源码中自定义点对点间的通话联系方式,或者有一对多,多对多的 (Voice communications control source peer-to-peer special edition Introduction VSession voice communication control source peer-to-peer special edition, version 2.0, this version integration the G729A compression algorithm, Real-time Transport Protocol, clear and smooth voice! Easy to understand and easy to use! This control source is in the I control previously released the parts source VSessionn2.0 version based on peer-to-peer communication call, answer, hang up, etc. the synchronization function before and after the call to make it more convenient for point-to-point communication ! If you want to program source from the definition of point-to-point calls between Contact, or one-to-many, many-to-many)
    2012-09-15 22:00:40下载
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