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于 2013-09-05 发布 文件大小:2850KB
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  一篇有关利用轮廓在自然图像中检测和定位交点的英文文献,该方法是在64位操作系统中进行的(One on the use of contours in natural images to detect and locate the intersection of English literature, the method is a 64-bit operating system for the)



0 个回复

  • bandstoplicheng
    一个很好带阻滤波器的设计,并给出了用来滤除工频干扰的实例(A good band stop filter and filter frequency is given to an instance of interference)
    2010-07-18 18:21:28下载
  • z
    说明:  用于指针学习的人 有很重要的作用 用于指针学习的人 有很重要的作用 用于指针学习的人 有很重要的作用 (For the pointers to learn a very important role in people for the pointers people have to learn a very important role for the pointers people have to learn a very important role in)
    2009-11-08 17:53:07下载
  • CDMA_Simulink
    CDMA多用户检测的Simulink仿真研究(CDMA multi-user detection of Simulink Simulation)
    2008-04-10 10:37:36下载
  • adsl_a2d_d2a
    This module provides an introduction for our ELEC 301 DMT group project. 这是其中a2d模块部分(This module provides an introduction for o ur ELEC 301 DMT group project. This module is part of a2d)
    2021-02-13 10:19:49下载
  • New-folder
    This is the code for license plate recognition.
    2013-03-03 20:04:03下载
  • 5-source-codes
    The codes are the matlab platform. they are begin simple to complex.
    2015-01-10 15:39:27下载
  • 4-node-P-Q-decoupled-
    基于MATLAB的电力系统潮流计算程序设计的4节点P-Q分解法潮流计算程序原代码(Original code based on MATLAB power flow calculation program designed 4-node PQ decomposition flow calculation procedures)
    2013-04-21 11:32:27下载
  • saleh
    用saleh模型拟合功率放大器,采用n组功放的输入输出数据标识模型中的参数,拟合功放输入输出曲线(Fitting power amplifier with Saleh model. The input and output data of N group power amplifier are used to identify the parameters in the model, to fit Input and output curve of fitted power amplifier.)
    2021-02-06 14:29:57下载
  • zhengjiaoxinhao
    完成M=4的正交信号的数字通信系统的蒙特卡罗仿真。分析其在加性高斯白噪声下误码率与信噪比之间的关系,绘出误码率-信噪比曲线图,并和物理曲线进行比较。(The completion of M = 4 orthogonal signals in Monte Carlo simulation of digital communication systems. Analysis of the additive white Gaussian noise bit error rate and signal to noise ratio under the relationship between the mapped BER- signal to noise ratio curve, and and physical curves for comparison.)
    2009-12-11 18:39:56下载
    matlab中极坐标函数的改进,坐标轴刻度可以为负数,输入参数见注释,有问题email联系,可在matlab命令行中直接运行,如: my_polar2([0,20,30]*pi/180,[-10,0,10], -r ,-20,30)(Matlab polar coordinates function improved, axes calibration can be negative, the input parameters, see Notes email problems can be contacted in Matlab command line direct operations, such as : my_polar2 ([0,20,30]* pi/180 [-10,0,10],- r,-20,30))
    2006-07-16 10:20:39下载
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