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于 2015-01-02 发布 文件大小:12KB
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  电话拨号音的合成与识别 基于对电话通信系统中拨号音合成与识别的仿真实现,主要涉及到电话拨号音合成的基本原理及识别的主要方法,利用 MATLAB 软件以及 FFT 算法实现对电话通信系统中拨号音的合成与识别。并进一步利用 MATLAB 中的图形用户界面 GUI 制作简单直观的模拟界面。使其对电话通信系统拨号音的合成与识别有个基本的了解。 能够利用矩阵不同的基频合成 0 - 9 不同按键的拨号音,并能够对不同的拨号音加以正确的识别,实现由拨号音解析出电话号码的过程。(Synthesis and recognition telephone dial tone Based on telephone communication system dial tone Simulation synthesis and recognition, mainly related to the basic principles of the main methods telephone dial tone synthesis and recognition, using MATLAB software and the FFT algorithm for synthesis and recognition telephone communication system dial tone. And further use of MATLAB graphical user interface is simple and intuitive GUI making analog interface. Synthesis and recognition make telephone communication system dial tone have a basic understanding. Can be different the fundamental frequency of matrix synthesis 0 9 dial tone different keys, and can be correctly identify different dial tone, dial tone achieved by the parsed telephone number of processes.)



0 个回复

  • low
    低通滤波器的源程序,计算低通阶跃高低阻抗形式,由指标来确定高低阻抗的长度(Source of low-pass filter to calculate the level of resistance in the form of low-pass step by the indicators to determine the length of high and low impedance)
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  • LMS
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  • MGPCCraru
    多变量广义预测的控制制算法MATLAB代码 (Multivariable generalized predictive control system algorithm MATLAB code)
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  • gray-transfomation
    这是一个彩色图片转换为弧度图片转换的程序。可将灰度图片进行任意部分的存储,并存储在给定位置。(This is a process of changing color image into gray image. In the sanmetime ,it can srore any part of the gray image into the given place.)
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  • kf_lsd
    一种考虑观测噪声和系统噪声的滤波算法,绘制出了目标轨迹和跟踪效果、x、y轴的滤波方差、位置均方根误差和速度均方根误差。(Consider an observation noise and system noise filtering algorithm, to map out the trajectory of the target and tracking results, x, y-axis variance filtering, position and velocity RMSE root mean square error.)
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  • planefocus
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  • VCandMATLABtogetherprogram
    VC与MATLAB的混合编程,硕士,博士做学术实验必备知识。傻瓜教程. (vc and matlab )
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  • 294976fcm
    this is also fuzzy c means clustering for segmentation
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  • PRTools
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  • 2
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