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于 2013-04-22 发布 文件大小:1KB
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   设计一个数字滤波器,在频率低于 的范围内,低通幅度特性为常数,并且不低于0.75dB。在频率 和 之间,阻带衰减至少为20dB。 (1)试求满足这些条件的最低阶Butterworth滤波器。(Design a digital filter, in the range of frequencies below the low-pass amplitude characteristic is constant, and not less than 0.75dB. Between the frequency and stop-band attenuation of at least 20dB. (1) Determine the lowest-order Butterworth filter to meet these conditions.)



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  • variogramfit
    变差函数、克里金插值源代码,里面有具体应用实例(Variogram, Kriging interpolation source code, there are examples of specific applications)
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  • fractaldimensionofchaosattractor
    在重构相空间的基础上计算吸引子的分形维时,合适的嵌入维m和时间滞后τ的选取至关重要.在虚假邻域概念基础上,本文给出了确定m和τ的方法.较之以前的方法,此方法更准确、简单、容易理解、易实施,对较小样本数据集也可靠.最后的应用实例验证了理论的正确性.(In the reconstructed phase space based on the calculation of the fractal dimension of attractor, the appropriate embedding dimension m and time lag τ selection is essential. In a mock neighborhood based on the concept, this paper presents the method to determine m and τ. Compared with the previous methods, this method is more accurate, simple, easy to understand, easy to implement on a smaller set of sample data is also reliable. The last application example to verify the theoretical correctness.)
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