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于 2021-04-25 发布 文件大小:1696KB
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  双目相机的三维重建程序,包含两个相机的标定,极线校正,图像匹配,三维重建(Binocular camera reconstruction program, including calibration of the two cameras, pole line correction, image matching, 3D reconstruction)





0 个回复

  • Digital_image_processing_frequency_domain
    该数字图像处理文件有很强的修改能力,可以仔细的分析每一个频域不同条件下的实验结果分析。有很强的处理图像能力(The digital image processing of documents has a strong ability to change and be more careful analysis of each under different conditions, a frequency-domain analysis of the experimental results. Has a strong ability to deal with images)
    2010-01-03 16:37:44下载
  • baxed-twinsport-white
    A control system of the simplex method of PID parameter optimization of MATLAB program, can also
    2017-08-07 21:46:15下载
  • 2010Cximage
    比较新的图像处理类,2010版,并且有DEMO,方便应该(Relatively new class of image processing, 2010 Edition, and has DEMO, should facilitate)
    2010-09-08 22:11:53下载
  • PoissonMesh
    有关三维模型的泊松算法的诸多应用的实现,包括泊松重建和泊松纹理混合算法,由原作者开发,非常可靠(C++ implementation for algorithms including poisson mesh and poisson texture stitching, it is shared by author with wide utilization)
    2020-07-02 21:20:01下载
  • Digital-Image(201008)
    计算机图形学图像处理学习内容,附带PPT教程里面的代码。(the ppt for Digital Image)
    2012-02-18 15:17:52下载
  • wutijianceyuzhuizong
    opencv,图像处理,关于物体粘连问题的检测,基于凹性分析的分割方法(opencv, image processing, object sticking problem on detection, segmentation method based on analysis of the recess)
    2015-08-08 15:10:00下载
  • haijian
    说明:  多边形裁剪是逐次多边裁剪法,它的基本思想是以窗口的四条边界线单一逐次对多边形裁剪(polygon clipping is Successive multilateral cutting, its basic idea is a window four successive boundaries of a single polygon clipping)
    2005-12-28 22:01:30下载
  • SURF-V1.0.9-WinDLL
    SURF算法较SIFT算法速度快,SURF算法源代码。(SURF code)
    2021-04-21 22:48:49下载
  • ruihuafudiao
    实现图像的锐化浮雕等效果。当然,这是我自己弄了很多次之后的。我也忘了它实现的是什么效果了,反正就是大概图片处理一类的。(To achieve the effect of image sharpening and other relief. Of course, I get many times. I also forget to realize what effect, anyway, is about image processing class.)
    2012-08-01 04:43:14下载
  • chenggongchengxu
    rgb to HSV,很有用,调试成功,可以应用(rgb to HSV,#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream.h> void main(float R, float G, float B, float& H, float& S, float&V) { // r,g,b values are from 0 to 1 // h = [0,360], s = [0,1], v = [0,1] // if s == 0, then h =-1 (undefined) float min, max, delta,tmp tmp = R>G?G:R min = tmp>B?B:tmp tmp = R>G?R:G max = tmp>B?tmp:B V = max // v delta = max- min if( max != 0 ) S = delta/max // s else { // r = g = b = 0 // s = 0, v is undefined S = 0 H = 0 return } if (delta == 0){ H = 0 return } else if(R == max){ if (G >= B) H = (G- B)/delta // between yellow & magenta else H = (G- B)/delta+ 6 } else if( G == max ) H = 2+ ( B- R )/delta // between cyan & yellow else if (B == ma)
    2011-12-02 10:09:24下载
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