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于 2013-12-18 发布 文件大小:193KB
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说明:  9大管理流程9大管理流程9大管理流程9大管理流程(9 great management process management process nine nine nine large management process management process)



0 个回复

  • xinxi
    基于access数据库的信息管理系统,使用MFC编写的整个工程(Information management system based on access database, MFC prepared by the use of the entire project)
    2013-03-22 15:37:54下载
  • 8_7
    说明:  计算机算法试题库问题,用最大流实现,运行正确(Computer algorithms questions Treasury issues, with the realization of maximum flow, operating correctly)
    2008-12-07 14:43:16下载
  • Random-test-paper
    随机组卷代码,生成符合要求的试卷,生成的试卷符合各个条件,包括难易程度和章节等等(Random test paper)
    2013-05-20 22:33:48下载
  • shu3
    说明:  图书租赁管理系统,由vb语言编成,方便实用,大家可以试一下,可以给点建议.(books lease management system, vb language from the field, convenient and practical, we can test that can give suggestions.)
    2006-04-07 14:34:51下载
  • student
    C语言写的学生成绩管理系统.在VS2010下编译通过.适合初学者参考学习.(C language written in student achievement management system.)
    2010-08-15 12:34:16下载
  • tushuguanlixitongyuandaima
    图书管理系统,是一个由人、计算机等组成的能进行管理信息的收集、传递、加工、保存、维护和使用的系统。(Library management system, is a by the people, the computer can be composed of the collection of management information, transmission, processing, preservation, maintenance, and use of the system.)
    2016-03-16 18:42:29下载
  • BMS
    此程序是个C++的图书管理信息系统,非常的好(This procedure is a C++ for library management information system, very good)
    2009-03-18 17:51:19下载
  • sushe
    考查点:线性结构、文件操作 注意:必须使用文件存储数据,不得使用数据库管理系统。 任务:通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 录入: 可以录入宿舍情况,包括宿舍号、可容纳学生数、已容纳学生数、男生/女生宿舍等信息; 可以录入学生住宿情况,包括学号、姓名、性别、宿舍号等信息。 其他信息可以自行设计。 分配宿舍:为每一个学生分配入一个未住满的宿舍。能否提供一个智能分配算法?推荐选择?批量分配?鼓励创新。(Check point: linear structure, file operations Note: you must use the file to store data, can not use management system. Mission: through this system can realize the following functions: Entry: Can enter the dormitory, including dorm number, can accommodate students number, already accommodate students number, boy/girl s dormitory information Can enter the student accommodation, including student id, name, gender, dormitory, etc. Other information can be designed. Dormitory: for each student assigned into a dormitory is not full. Can you provide a smart allocation algorithm? Recommended choice? Batch distributed? Encourage innovation. )
    2016-03-04 18:14:21下载
  • 12212
    图书馆借阅管理系统 的 powerdesign PDM和CDM(Library loan management system powerdesign PDM and CDM)
    2020-12-17 08:59:11下载
  • StudentSystem
    用vc++的MFC做的学生成绩管理系统,包含数据库,用户名密码默认admin(Vc++ with the MFC student performance management system, including a , the default user name and password admin)
    2016-12-30 20:57:31下载
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