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于 2014-02-18 发布 文件大小:5328KB
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  语音信号时频分析,包括语谱图,过零率,自编的自相关,以及最后用了三种方法(短时能量和过零率、谱熵法、Teager算子)进行端点检测,代码完整且测试通过(time and frequency domain analysis of speech signals,including spectrogram,rate of zerocrossing,autocorrelation.and three method of endpoint detection,especially the Teager )



0 个回复

  • viocerecognition
    用于汉语语调识别的程序,可以识别我们说话中的四个声调。已通过测试(Chinese tone recognition for the program, has been tested)
    2009-04-20 08:47:23下载
  • dtw_revised
    利用DTW模版匹配算法实现0~9十个数字的识别。(use DTW template matching algorithm 0-9 10-digit identification.)
    2007-06-11 16:51:28下载
  • second
    男女声识别程序,中科院数字信号处理第二次作业,分辨率百分之90 以上,带GUI,在前人基础上修改,保证能用,不能用联系我(Male and female vocal recognition program, digital signal processing operations of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, resolution of more than 90 , with a GUI, modify their predecessors on the basis of guaranteed to not use)
    2013-01-10 15:50:23下载
  • New folder (3)
    DSP codes,Radial Basis functions, sum of sinusoidal signals,Histogram
    2019-06-19 00:17:41下载
  • Speech
    语音识别功能,可以直接说话进行识别,然后转换成文字(Speech recognition)
    2013-01-29 20:27:08下载
  • ACFandAMDFpitch
    短时自相关和短时平均幅度差计算基音周期的matlab程序,附带有原语音信号(Short-term autocorrelation and short-term average deviation of pitch period matlab program, comes with the original speech signal)
    2013-08-13 09:02:28下载
  • snr
    计算语音、音频信号的信噪比程序(包含音频样本文件)(Calculation of voice, audio program signal to noise ratio (including the audio sample file))
    2010-11-19 11:37:47下载
    声音特征提取程序,分帧后,对于每一帧提取MFCC等特征(voice feature extraction)
    2009-11-29 17:41:28下载
  • Speech_Quallity_Estimate
    压缩包中包括3个用于对语音增强中,增强语音质量测试的程序:分段信噪比提高测量、对数谱距离测量、信噪比测量。具体说明,请看文件文件说明。(Compression package, including three for speech enhancement, the enhanced voice quality testing procedures: Sub-noise ratio improve measurement of the distance spectrum measurement, signal to noise ratio measurement. Specify, see the paper documentation.)
    2020-10-31 06:59:55下载
  • chapter2-low-bit-rate-speech-coding
    Chapter 2 Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding In this chapter an overview is given of speech coding techniques at several bit rates. Most of them use Linear Prediction. This overview is not meant to be complete its purpose is to make the reader somewhat familiar with Linear Predictive Coding which is necessary for a proper understanding of later chapters. Section 2.1 treats the subject of quantisation and coding. In section 2.2 a description of speech production and speech sounds is given. Coders based on linear prediction can be considered as being based on a simple speech production model. This model is explained in section 2.3. Section 2.4 describes various speech coding algorithms and techniques. Section 2.5 briefly describes some measures for the quality of coded speech.(In this chapter an overview is given of speech coding techniques at several bit rates. Most of them use Linear Prediction. This overview is not meant to be complete its purpose is to make the reader somewhat familiar with Linear Predictive Coding which is necessary for a proper understanding of later chapters. Section 2.1 treats the subject of quantisation and coding. In section 2.2 a description of speech production and speech sounds is given. Coders based on linear prediction can be considered as being based on a simple speech production model. This model is explained in section 2.3. Section 2.4 describes various speech coding algorithms and techniques. Section 2.5 briefly describes some measures for the quality of coded speech.)
    2010-07-02 19:42:42下载
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