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于 2012-02-10 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  加温模拟退火算法 应用 matlab程序(Heating simulated annealing algorithm in matlab program )



0 个回复

  • Modeler-Lecture
    opnet的培训课件,三天的培训内容,包括了概念介绍,建模,调试,以及两个实例。(opnet training courseware, training days, including the introduction, modeling, testing, and two examples.)
    2011-02-10 22:59:07下载
  • jiangcaiyang
    做数据处理,比如做智能诊断样本创建的时候, 如果采集信息有限,但数据量又很大, 可以选择将原始信号就行降采样,来获得更多更可靠的样本(Good collection of information is limited, but the amount of data is so big occasion)
    2013-09-03 15:16:23下载
  • Ch8_GA_JSP
    用MATLAB软件实现遗传算法解决作业车间调度问题(Genetic algorithms using MATLAB software to solve the job shop scheduling problem)
    2014-12-13 15:50:37下载
  • ciix
    自己编的5种调制信号,借鉴了主成分分析算法(PCA),用于信号特征提取、信号消噪。( Own five modulation signal, It draws on principal component analysis algorithm (PCA), For feature extraction, signal de-noising.)
    2016-04-15 10:36:21下载
  • plot_objective
    说明:  多目标遗传算法在工程领域应用较为广泛,希望对大家有用。(Key procedures of multiobjective optimization with elite decision)
    2020-06-03 17:27:46下载
  • myfft
    对输入信号进行傅立叶变换,并画出单边频谱图(Of the input signal Fourier transform, and draw a unilateral Spectrum)
    2009-03-27 00:39:27下载
  • Audio-Processing
    音频系统,coding, modulation, AWGN, 通过最小距离探测码元,解码,播放。根据不同的SNR,测试在多小的SNR情况下,人耳能识别音频。(Audio systems, coding, modulation, AWGN, by minimizing the distance detection symbol, decoding, playing. Depending on the SNR, the test in the case of multiple small SNR, the human ear can identify audio.)
    2014-02-20 02:58:39下载
  • stap-jichu
    空时信号处理的基础程序,在matlab上运行。(space-time adaptive processor)
    2019-04-13 15:31:18下载
  • MATLAB课堂考勤(GUI)
    说明:  MATLAB课堂考勤(GUI) 该课题为基于MATLAB pca的人脸考勤系统。可以从一副图像中找出多人人脸,分割,计算人数,然后提前制作好这些人的人脸库,进行逐一识别是谁,是不是库内人脸,如是,具体是谁,如果不是,那提示库外人脸。具有友好的人机交互界面,还可以二次开发成摄像的,但是摄像头误差可能会有点。识别流程为:读取图像,人脸定位,人数统计,人脸分割,人脸识别,库内外判别。(The subject is face attendance system based on MATLAB PCA. We can find multiple faces from an image, segment and calculate the number of people, and then make a face database of these people in advance to identify who they are one by one, whether they are the faces in the database, if so, who they are, and if not, prompt the faces outside the database. It has a friendly human-computer interface and can be developed into a camera again, but the camera error may be a little bit. The recognition process includes: image reading, face location, number of people statistics, face segmentation, face recognition, identification inside and outside the database.)
    2021-04-27 00:18:45下载
  • finger
    指纹识别的一个小例子,很不错的。 使用matlab编写的,里面一个具体的指纹图片被识别了。(Fingerprint identification of a small example, it is good. Prepared to use matlab, inside a concrete picture of the fingerprint was identified.)
    2008-04-16 16:21:10下载
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