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于 2012-12-02 发布 文件大小:26KB
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  Laplace equation solution code using matlab



0 个回复

  • powerflow
    基于matlab的配电网潮流程序。可以计算潮流。非常容易使用(Based on the distribution power flow matlab procedures. Trend can be calculated. Very easy to use)
    2008-01-13 22:47:31下载
  • dianyuancheshi
    做实验时用FDTD编写的一个电源测试程序(applies finite difference time domain method to analyze transmission coefficient.)
    2009-11-16 21:40:13下载
  • simulation
    对数字电路,通信原理,DSP等一些现象的仿真:比如整流器,滤波器,仿真二/四译码器,四选一数字选择器,信号发生器,2FSK信号的调制、滤波、频谱分析等,对DSP中各种滤波的仿真以及通原中的调制解调的仿真等(Digital circuits, communication theory, DSP and some other phenomena simulation: for example, rectifiers, filters, simulation II/IV decoder, four elected a digital selector, signal generator, 2FSK signal modulation, filtering, spectral analysis, DSP filtering on the various links of the original simulation and the simulation of the modulation and demodulation, etc.)
    2010-11-04 20:05:02下载
  • MATLAB-GUI-design-learning-Notes
    【MATLAB GUI设计学习手记】源代码 数据 罗飞大哥的作品 本书由浅入深、循序渐进地介绍了matlab gui设计的基础知识,旨在使读者在较短时间内掌握gui设计的精要所在。. 本书首先介绍了gui设计的预备知识,然后详细介绍了gui对象的属性以及两种建立gui的方法:采用函数建立和采用guide建立。在介绍了gui设计基础知识的基础上,深入讲解了activex控件、定时器、串口及mcc编译的相关知识。书中穿插了大量的图表,直观、简要地列出了相关知识点。对于一些重要、难懂的知识点,配以大量的典型例题,方便读者边学边练,加强理解。最后,书中给出了3个典型的综合实例,供读者研究学习。.. 本书适合需要短时间内迅速掌握matlab gui设计的初学者使用,也可作为相关专业师生、相关工程开发人员的参考手册。... ([MATLAB GUI design learning Notes] source code, Luo Fei works of Big Brother The progressive approach of the book, step by step the basics of Matlab gui design, designed to enable the reader to grasp the essence of the gui design where in a relatively short time. . The book begins prior knowledge of the gui design, and then details the gui object properties and methods: two ways to create gui with function to create and adopted to guide the establishment. Describes the design of basic knowledge in gui basis, in-depth to explain the activex control, timer, serial port, and mcc compiled knowledge The book, interspersed with a large number of charts, intuitive, brief list of related knowledge. For some important, difficult to understand the knowledge, together with a large number of typical example, the convenience of the reader to learn while training, to enhance understanding. Finally, the book gives three typical instance, for readers learn. .. Book is suitable for the need for a )
    2012-04-25 11:02:31下载
  • Zy2abcd
    this source code zy2abcd in matlab
    2013-08-04 17:37:38下载
  • colour1
    The code displays the complexion of a person from his or her image.
    2013-11-07 18:57:07下载
  • corners_in_ROI
    Corner detection for camera calibration using a 3D calibration object. To get corners one must to define a 6point ROI. The corners will be detected inside ROI and will be put into a vector.
    2010-11-23 19:27:05下载
  • Lugr.rar
    私服系统低速摩擦的条件下PID控制Matlab仿真程序源码(私服system under conditions of low-speed friction PID control simulation program Matlab source code)
    2008-07-06 21:31:28下载
  • control-system
    一些小程序,主要包括控制系统分析与模型的建立相关的M文件以及simulink文件。(Small programs, including the establishment of control systems analysis and model M-files and simulink file.)
    2012-07-13 14:53:05下载
  • Matlab-courseware
    matlab 经典课件,0基础入门掌握matlab的相关应用,内含线性规划,无约束优化,非线性规划,统计,差值等m文件和实证分析(matlab classic courseware, 0 introductory mastered the matlab the relevant application, containing linear programming, unconstrained optimization, linear programming, statistics, the difference m file and empirical analysis)
    2012-09-23 11:44:00下载
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