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  Another version of leach



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    matlab函数速查,各种函数都可以查到,有拼音检索,还有类别检索(Quick matlab function, various functions can be found, there is phonetic search, as well as Category Search)
    2014-08-28 01:30:47下载
  • 潮流计算序1
    潮流计算是电力学名词,指在给定电力系统网络拓扑、元件参数和发电、负荷参量条件下,计算有功功率、无功功率及电压在电力网中的分布。潮流计算是根据给定的电网结构、参数和发电机、负荷等元件的运行条件,确定电力系统各部分稳态运行状态参数的计算。通常给定的运行条件有系统中各电源和负荷点的功率、枢纽点电压、平衡点的电压和相位角。待求的运行状态参量包括电网各母线节点的电压幅值和相角,以及各支路的功率分布、网络的功率损耗等。(Power flow calculation is a term of power science. It refers to the calculation of the distribution of active power, reactive power and voltage in power network under given network topology, component parameters and generation and load parameters. Power flow calculation is based on the given grid structure, parameters and operation conditions of generator, load and other components to determine the steady-state operation parameters of each part of the power system. Usually, the given operating conditions include the power of each power source and load point, junction voltage, balance point voltage and phase angle. The parameters to be determined include the voltage amplitude and phase angle of each bus node, the power distribution of each branch and the power loss of the network.)
    2020-06-23 10:00:01下载
  • IIR-filter-design
    说明:  IIR滤波器设计 在设计一个IIR数字滤波器时,我们根据指标先写出模拟滤波器的公式,然后通过一定的变换,将模拟滤波器的公式转换成数字滤波器的公式(IIR filter design in the design of an IIR digital filter, we first write the analog filter based on index formula, and then through a certain transformation, the analog filters into digital filters equation formula)
    2011-03-14 15:20:27下载
  • greatQPSK
    说明:  QPSK的Matlab实现 使用伪随机序列,低通滤波,可看图(QPSK Matlab using the pseudo-random sequence, low-pass filtering, flashcards)
    2006-03-13 10:36:14下载
  • xitong
    三自由度平台控制律设计系统框图,实现对平台的三个角度的跟踪(Three degrees of freedom platform control law design system block diagram, tracking the three angles of the platform)
    2013-01-13 09:44:20下载
  • yichuanTsp
    在MATLAB软件上利用遗传算法解决无固定终点的Tsp类问题(MATLAB software on the genetic algorithm to solve the fixed end of the Tsp class problem)
    2016-06-05 20:34:49下载
  • SOM
    matlab 实现的自组织竞争神经网络SOM算法程序(没有使用ANN工具箱)。可供初学者参考学习使用。(SOM self-organizing competitive neural network algorithm matlab implementation of the program (not using ANN toolbox). Reference for beginners to learn to use.)
    2014-11-24 18:48:09下载
  • normal-distribution-EDF-CDF
    matlab中正态分布曲线的产生以及正态分布样本经验分布曲线 EDF 和 分布函数曲线CDF 曲线的对比(matlab in the production and the normal distribution curve normal distribution curve for Empirical distribution function curve of EDF and CDF curve comparison)
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  • [distributed]Molten_Carbonate_Fuel_Cells_Modeling
    Modeling of MCFC process
    2021-02-22 17:09:41下载
  • LFM
    线性调频信号的脉冲压缩处理及图像的分析,非常简介的程序(Linear FM pulse compression signal processing and image analysis, the procedure is very Profile)
    2012-01-31 00:57:52下载
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