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  基于vc++的音频加密软件的设计通过查阅资料对当今比较广泛使用的音频加密算法进行选择,并对其中的三种算法进行其性能方面的比较,找出其中加密性能较好(Audio encryption software design based on VC++through access to information is widely used for today s audio encryption algorithm to choose, and the three kinds of algorithms are compared, and its performance to find out one encryption)





0 个回复

  • crc
    检测CRC编码 看CRC编码在传输后是否有错误 有变动 (Detection CRC codes to see whether the CRC coding errors in the transmission there is a change)
    2013-09-15 23:51:38下载
  • Hash
    MD5加密算法,实现报文认证!!运算速度快,兼容性好(MD5 encryption algorithm, message authentication realize! ! Computing speed, better compatibility)
    2008-07-05 00:29:14下载
  • md5ex
    c++ 写的加密算法,可以加密解密,采用的算法是比较长用的(c write the encryption algorithm, encryption can be decrypted using the algorithm is relatively long with the)
    2007-05-22 14:41:17下载
    通过C语言实现的AES CMAC加密和解密算法。上传文件为完整的VC6工程目录。AES加密算法即密码学中的高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard,AES),又称Rijndael加密法,是美国联邦政府采用的一种区块加密标准。这个标准用来替代原先的DES,已经被多方分析且广为全世界所使用。经过五年的甄选流程,高级加密标准由美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST)于2001年11月26日发布于FIPS PUB 197,并在2002年5月26日成为有效的标准。AES 算法基于排列和置换运算。排列是对数据重新进行安排,置换是将一个数据单元替换为另一个。AES 使用几种不同的方法来执行排列和置换运算。 AES 是一个迭代的、对称密钥分组的密码,它可以使用128、192 和 256 位密钥,并且用 128 位(16字节)分组加密和解密数据。与公共密钥密码使用密钥对不同,对称密钥密码使用相同的密钥加密和解密数据。通过分组密码返回的加密数据的位数与输入数据相同。迭代加密使用一个循环结构,在该循环中重复置换和替换输入数据。(AES CMAC encryption and decryption algorithm C language. VC6 upload files to complete the project directory . AES encryption algorithm that is Cryptography Advanced Encryption Standard (Advanced Encryption Standard, AES), also known as Rijndael encryption method, a block encryption standard adopted by the U.S. federal government . This standard is used to replace the original DES, has been widely analyzed and multi used around the world . After five years of the selection process , the Advanced Encryption Standard by the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on November 26, 2001 Posted in FIPS PUB 197, and May 26, 2002 became effective standards . AES algorithm based on permutation and substitution operations. Data re- arrangement is arranged , is replaced with a replacement unit of data to another . AES using several different methods to perform alignment and replacement operations. AES is an iterative , symmetric key block password , it can use 128, 192, and )
    2021-03-11 19:09:25下载
  • BM
    密码学BM算法的C++实现。可计算100阶m序列的生成多项式(Cryptography BM algorithm in C++. Computable 100 m sequence generator polynomial order)
    2020-07-01 20:20:01下载
  • ShamirSharring
    Shamir门限算法的C++实现,依赖于NTL开源代码库(Shamir threshold algorithm C++ implementation, relies on NTL open source code base)
    2020-07-01 21:00:02下载
    des和rsa的算法演示文档 (des and rsa algorithm presentation)
    2008-03-20 14:11:54下载
  • RSA
    用VC++开发的一款MFC程序,能很好地实现RSA加密和解密算法,对学习RSA加解密算法很有帮助(MFC with VC++ developed a program that can well realize RSA encryption and decryption algorithms, RSA encryption and decryption algorithms for learning helpful)
    2020-10-12 22:57:32下载
  • rsashuziqianming
    RSA数字签名的源代码 vc++6.0实现的版本(RSA Digital Signature vc source code version 6.0)
    2007-05-16 16:42:45下载
  • des-daima
    DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。虽然56位密钥的DES算法已经风光不在,而且常有用Des加密的明文被破译的报道,但是了解一下昔日美国的标准加密算法总是有益的,而且目前DES算法得到了广泛的应用,在某些场合,她仍然发挥着余热.(如:UNIX的密码算法就是以DES算法为基础的)。将其修改为三重DES也能抵抗破解。下面是关于如何实现DES算法的语言性描述:(DES ( Data Encryption Standard ) algorithm, in 1977 the U.S. government s official permission , is a 56 -bit key to encrypt 64 data . 56 keys of the DES algorithm scenery is not , and often with Des encryption expressly decipher reported , but look at the old standard encryption algorithm is always useful , but the DES algorithm has been widely used in a some occasions , she still plays a waste heat . (such as : UNIX password algorithm is DES algorithm -based ) . To modify the Triple DES is also resistant to cracking . The following is a description language on how to achieve the DES algorithm : )
    2012-04-28 10:01:59下载
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