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  三次样条插值函数边界条件由实际问题对三次样条插值在端点的状态要求给出。以第1边界条件为例,用节点处二阶导数表示三次样条插值函数,用追赶法求解相关方程组。(Cubic spline interpolation function from the real problems of boundary conditions cubic spline interpolation is required to give the state of the endpoint. In the first boundary condition, for example, with a node represents the second derivative of the cubic spline interpolation function, solving equations associated with the catch method.)





0 个回复

  • TOOLBOX_calib
    有關camera calibration的程式(about camera calibration program)
    2009-06-08 14:39:39下载
  • HebbNN
    简单的神经网络学习规则赫布matlab代码。 这是不知情的初学者学生。它可应用于如简单的任务逻辑“和“,”或“,”不是“简单的图像和分类。 (Simple Matlab Code for Neural Network Hebb Learning Rule. It is good for NN beginners students. It can be applied for simple tasks e.g. Logic "and", "or", "not" and simple images classification.)
    2011-05-23 11:12:26下载
  • SMC_I
    A simple nonlinear system is described within the Simulink environment.For control purposes, a sliding mode controller is designed in order to regulate the system to the origin. Furthermore, the chattering reduction has also been addressed with the introduction of tanh function.
    2014-11-28 15:17:06下载
  • FPGA-KeyboardControl
    可以y9ng捱三顶四都v大少吃点 阿少吃点奥迪车爱迪生v大dsca点撒(You can y9ng endure three four are v A large eat less eat less Audi Edison v big dsca point spread)
    2013-11-28 18:35:12下载
  • multiple
    二进制多变量遗传算法,变量为多维,适合拓展对遗传算法的认识(Binary multivariate genetic algorithms, multidimensional variables for expanding knowledge of the genetic algorithm)
    2021-04-09 15:28:59下载
  • KalmanFilter
    this is matlab code for estimating the static linear system(system function is time variable) with Kalman Filter. this program is written by matlab 7.0. Here we want to estimate the below function: this is matlab code for estimating the static linear system(system function is time variable) with Recursive Least Squre and 2 solutions for better result. 1- using the Covariance Matrix Reseting in a specefic time. 2-using the RLS with Forget Factor this program is written by matlab 7.0. Here we want to estimate the below function: 1-u^2+(1+tansig(0.1*(t-375)))*u^3+u^5+3*u^7 finally,there are plots for showing results.
    2010-08-26 23:31:22下载
  • FOS_convert
    MATLAB实现快速正交变换,与传统的FFT算法相比拥有更高的分辨率,但是运算时间较大, 在目标检测、频率分析、降噪方面都有着广泛的应用(MATLAB to achieved FOS_convert, compared with the traditional FFT algorithm has a higher resolution, but the computation time is large, the target detection, frequency analysis, noise reduction have a wide range of applications)
    2013-09-27 10:28:11下载
  • CM4x
    channel uwb model for indoor communication
    2013-04-17 19:37:30下载
  • xinyuanshumu
    阵列信号的信源数目估计——AIC,MDL,HQ,EDC法得比较(Array signal source number estimation- AIC, MDL, HQ, EDC method comparatively)
    2010-05-29 09:29:19下载
  • Numerical-Analysis
    数值分析的样条插值数值求解程序,基于matlab编写的(Numerical analysis of the numerical solver spline interpolation, based on matlab prepared)
    2014-08-28 16:44:41下载
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