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于 2007-07-18 发布 文件大小:232KB
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  一个自制的小闹钟程序,程序可以配置,能够切换背景以及时间显示的外观,两者可以单独变换也可以一起变换。(A self-made small alarm clock program, the program can be configured, can switch the time display background and appearance, the two can be alone together can also transform transformation.)







0 个回复

  • ThreadSample
    Thread Templete Class Custom Thread
    2013-12-25 01:31:09下载
  • ds18b20vb0
    18B20测温,上位机程序,VB6.0环境开发(18B20 temperature, host computer program, VB6.0 environment for development)
    2010-06-07 11:55:24下载
  • stm32
    这是基于STM32的室内环境监测毕业设计,主要是检测了温湿度和关照强度,同时实现了数字万年历的显示,开发板为野火的。(This is based on the STM32 indoor environment monitoring graduation design, to detect the temperature and humidity, and take care of intensity, while achieving a digital calendar display development board wildfire.)
    2013-04-16 17:11:29下载
  • HSDL7001PDF
    红外通信装置 HSDL-7001PDF资料(Infrared communication device HSDL- 7001 PDF data )
    2014-08-07 20:48:06下载
  • SPWM
    可以产生幅度、频率可调的方波,频率50hz到1M(Can produce the amplitude, frequency adjustable Fang Bo, frequency of 50Hz to 1M)
    2013-08-21 17:06:30下载
  • sn8p2711b
    松翰单片机源码例子sn8p2711b有需要的下载哦(Sonix SCM source code examples sn8p2711b need to download ah)
    2015-11-05 00:00:30下载
  • ceping
    可实验0.5KHZ到10KHZ的简单测频,并由数码管显示出来!(Experimental 0.5KHZ can be simple to 10KHz frequency measurement by digital tube display!)
    2016-02-15 23:27:00下载
  • main
    本项目是基于Cortex-M3 的地沟油快速检测装置,旨在实现“地沟油”快速,现场检测。MCU控制可编程的直接数字频率合成器(DDS)产生正弦激励信号,经过可变增益放大器(VGA)和低通滤波器(LPF)作用于食用油阻抗传感器(实验室制作)信号经过仪器放大器送入微控制器(MCU)的模数转化(ADC)通道,MCU对采集的信号通过快速傅里叶变换(DFT)处理,实现食用油阻抗与相角的检测;USB和以太网接口,可与计算机通讯,以便对采集的数据进行存储和分析。(The project is based on the Cortex-M3 waste oil rapid detection device designed to achieve " waste oil" rapid, on-site testing. MCU control programmable direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDS) generates sinusoidal excitation signal through a variable gain amplifier (VGA) and a low-pass filter (LPF) acting on the oil-impedance sensor (lab produced) to send signals through the instrumentation amplifier into the microcontroller (MCU) modulo conversion (ADC) channels, MCU signal acquisition via Fast Fourier Transform (DFT) processing, oil resistance and phase angle detection USB and Ethernet interfaces, and computer communication, in order to collect data for storage and analysis.)
    2020-07-01 17:20:01下载
  • ds18b20PhongwaiPyanwuPchaoshengbo
    此程序为毕业设计之防火防盗报警器具有MQ2烟雾报警,DS18B20温度报警,红外传感器感应人体红外,超声波感应人得进入,加上1602液晶显示等功能,同时具有蜂鸣器及LED报警(This procedure for the graduation of the fire alarm system design has MQ2 smoke alarm, DS18B20 temperature alarm, human infrared sensor infrared sensor, ultrasonic sensor people allowed to enter, plus 1602 LCD function, but also has a buzzer and LED alarm)
    2013-06-11 19:11:56下载
  • pci_sample
    说明:  这是一个简单的数据采集卡的例子程序,主要介绍编写数据采集卡的驱动的基本流程。MakeFile文件的编写等等。。。 希望对新手有帮助(This is a simple example of data acquisition card procedures, mainly the preparation of data acquisition card driven by the basic process. MakeFile documentation and so on. . . I hope to help novice)
    2009-08-18 10:03:07下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103771会员总数
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