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于 2018-12-30 发布 文件大小:1136KB
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  python灰帽子入门,主要讲反汇编以及IDAPRO的插件编写(python for security for beginners)



0 个回复

  • [图灵程序设计丛].Python机器学习经典实例
    机器学习的实践书,图灵程序设计用书。有需要的可以学习一下(Practice book of machine learning)
    2019-03-22 09:40:40下载
  • IUST-Thesis
    latex thesis format persian
    2014-04-19 21:06:25下载
  • Game-Design-and-Development
    非常好的游戏策划教程,如果你是游戏策划新手,那么这本书非常适合你。(Very good game design tutorial, if you are new to the game plan, then this book is for you.)
    2011-01-22 01:12:42下载
  • 1947.Roswell.UFO.crash.related.news.section
    1947年罗斯威尔飞碟坠毁事件相关报道 内容根据个人自述和会谈记录的提供者 Matilda O Donnell MacElroy (马蒂尔达·欧’丹奈尔·马克艾罗伊) (英文)编辑整理 Lawrence R. Spencer (劳伦斯·斯宾塞) 主体部分内容摘录、翻译、编辑 一个中国人 第 2(1947 Roswell UFO crash reports related to the contents of records under the Personal Statement and talks provider Matilda O' Donnell MacElroy (martir Daou ' 丹奈尔马克Yiluo Yi) (English) edited by Lawrence R. Spencer (Lawrence Spencer) of the main part of the extract, translation, editing a Chinese 2)
    2010-10-17 22:13:25下载
  • Python-programming
    python核心编程,本书详细介绍了python编程的语法结构,并有大量的例子作为参考。(python core programming, the book details the python programming grammatical structure, and there are plenty of examples as a reference.)
    2016-07-10 10:49:21下载
  • bp
    说明:  神经网络大作业源码及报告 神经网络大作业源码及报告(Neural network source code and report)
    2016-09-16 08:50:26下载
  • netPDA
    PDA开发者教程.chm,适合初学者学习使用.net开发PDA的优秀教程(PDA Developer Guide. Chm, suitable for beginners learning to use. Net Development PDA excellent tutorial)
    2020-09-09 08:58:01下载
  • Make Your Own Python Text Adventure 2018
    说明:  Python入门书籍,最新版,简单易学。 Make Your Own Python Text Adventure_ A Guide to Learning Programming(Phillip Johnson (auth.) - Make Your Own Python Text Adventure_ A Guide to Learning Programming-Apress (2018))
    2020-06-19 08:40:01下载
  • Matlab智能算法30个案例分析pdf
    关于MATLAB实现智能算法的书籍,以案例为基础,容易理解(The realization of MATLAB intelligent algorithm books, based on a case, easy to understand)
    2017-11-02 18:34:05下载
  • HighMaPro_matlab
    本书首先介绍了MATLAB 语言的程序设计的基本内容,在此基础上系统介绍了各个应用数 学领域的问题求解,如基于MATLAB 的微积分问题、线性代数问题的计算机求解、积分变换和复变函数问题、非线性方程与最优化问题、常微分方程与偏微分方程问题、数据插值与函数逼近问题、概率论与数理统计问题的解析解和数值解法等。还介绍了较新的非传统方法如模糊逻辑与模糊推理、神经网络、遗传算法、小波分析、粗糙集及分数阶微积分学等领域。(The book begins with the introduction of the MATLAB programming language, the basic content, on the basis of the system introduced in all areas of applied mathematics problem solving, such as MATLAB-based calculus problems, linear algebra to solve computer problems, integral transforms and complex variable function problems, nonlinear equations and optimization problems, ordinary differential equations and partial differential equation problems, data interpolation and function approximation problem, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Analytical Solution and Numerical Solution of such. Also introduce a relatively new non-traditional methods such as fuzzy logic and fuzzy reasoning, neural networks, genetic algorithms, wavelet analysis, rough sets and fractional calculus and other fields.)
    2007-09-29 10:40:50下载
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