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MLPG Mixed Collocation--[EngPedia.ir]

于 2019-02-19 发布 文件大小:76KB
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  • ga_aco_opt_on_anfis_svm-master
    利用遗传算法、蚁群算法、PSO等对SVM模型进行优化,实现高效分类和回归预测(The SVM model is optimized by genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm and PSO to achieve efficient classification and regression prediction.)
    2021-04-16 15:08:53下载
  • 带箭头动画弹出幻灯片
    带箭头动画弹出幻灯片是一款jQuery+CSS3实现的动画效果幻灯片(Arrow animation pop-up slide is a jQuery + CSS3 animation effect slide.)
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  • SCRGYJR20150826
    可控硅逆变,控制。全桥并联谐振,锁相环控制。(this is simulink of thyristor inveter,it include start up,control,and PLL.)
    2017-07-13 22:48:41下载
  • Hilbert-Huang变换及在信号处理中的应用
    HHT主要内容包含两部分,第一部分为经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,简称EMD),它是由Huang提出的;第二部分为Hilbert谱分析(Hilbert Spectrum Analysis,简称HSA)。简单说来,HHT处理非平稳信号的基本过程是:首先利用EMD方法将给定的信号分解为若干固有模态函数(以Intrinsic Mode Function或IMF表示,也称作本征模态函数),这些IMF是满足一定条件的分量;然后,对每一个IMF进行Hilbert变换,得到相应的Hilbert谱,即将每个IMF表示在联合的时频域中;最后,汇总所有IMF的Hilbert谱就会得到原始信号的Hilbert谱。(The main content of HHT includes two parts. The first part is Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), which was proposed by Huang, and the second part is Hilbert Spectrum Analysis (HSA). Simply speaking, the basic process of HHT processing non-stationary signals is: firstly, the given signal is decomposed into several intrinsic mode functions (represented by Intrinsic Mode Function or IMF, also known as intrinsic mode functions), which are components satisfying certain conditions; secondly, Hilbert transform is applied to each IMF. The corresponding Hilbert spectrum is obtained, that is, each IMF is represented in the joint time-frequency domain; finally, the Hilbert spectrum of the original signal is obtained by summing up the Hilbert spectrum of all IMFs.)
    2020-06-23 22:00:02下载
  • JavaPrj_17
    一个简单的jsp系统。新手,刚学的。希望大家能指出错误(A JSP system)
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  • BiosHelp
    说明:  BiosHelp.pas initially started as help for one developer who wants to read the ROM-BIOS on Windows NT (one of the common questions on message boards). Since BiosHelp and my ROM-BIOS related code starts growing (e.g. SMBIOS) - I finally decided to change the names of the functions, types, and consts in Version 2.0 to be able to extend this packages without name/sense conflicts. Sorry for any circumstances - it will be the last major change for long time.
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  • numerical analysis
    [Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB]2005 solution code for some problems
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  • CC2530 基础实验——系统睡眠及唤醒
    应用背景首先初始化两个LED 灯,绿灯作为系统工作指示灯,接着配置一个I/O 管脚作为外部中 断输入管脚,打开相应中断使能位。 然后进入死循环,绿灯亮,黄灯闪烁,当黄灯闪烁10 次时,系统进入深度睡眠模式, 此时绿灯是灭的。 若在系统处于深度睡眠模式的时候,发生了相应的外部中断,那么系统会被唤醒,这时 候又会开始死循环,绿灯亮,黄灯重新开始闪烁。关键技术1. 编程要求:按照实验步骤实现应用程序 2. 实现功能:搭建IAR 环境,搭建系统睡眠唤醒实验工程项目 3. 开始编写代码之前,需要搭建好硬件连接环境:正确的硬件连线 硬件连线只需要一条: CC2530 开发板的JTAG 口 → 调试器 → PC 的USB 口(用于程序的调试、下载)
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  • visual basic code. nice code. very good
    visual basic code. nice code. very good
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  • java技术手册
    Java technical manual is very suitable for Java learning.
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