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于 2017-05-01 发布 文件大小:6688KB
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  image processing with opencv



0 个回复

  • ccode_open_bitmap
    图像处理c源码_功能是打开一幅位图_并显示在屏幕上(_ C source image processing function is to open a bitmap _ and displayed on the screen)
    2014-01-04 19:41:22下载
  • 新建文件夹 (2)
    图像处理中纹理特征提取,全局特征提取,matlab(Texture feature extraction)
    2018-03-25 15:05:50下载
  • Grid
    基于OpenCV实现的图像切割程序,通过程序中参数设置分块的数量和大小(The project is uesd to break an image into block)
    2013-12-01 22:31:29下载
  • DXF文件数据提取
  • Image_Data1863613112005
    Image Database 2.5.0 (w/ thumbnails)
    2017-01-08 01:43:47下载
  • RF_Class_C
    用于对图像特征的分类,随机森林算法是一类很好的算法(For the classification of image features, random forest algorithm is a kind of a good algorithm)
    2020-12-25 21:39:04下载
  • project_1
    说明:  基于FPGA平台的双目视觉处理项目,可以通过双目摄像头实现目标物体测距,测量大小等功能(Binocular vision processing based on FPGA platform)
    2021-03-07 11:07:17下载
  • 视频增强播放器
    说明:  本程序基于MFC,VS2010编写,是一款可以打开任意视频格式的播放器,具有打开视频(任意格式,avi,mp4, rmvb,asf,avi,mpeg等), 具有快进,快退,暂停,播放,上一帧,下一帧,截图,拍照,快速播放慢速播放功能,同时提供图像处理功能(视频图像增强,视频图像去雾,海上目标检测功能)。(This program is based on MFC, VS2010. It is a player that can open any video format. It has open video (arbitrary format, avi, mp4, rmvb, asf, avi, mpeg, etc.). It has the functions of fast forward, fast backward, pause, playback, last frame, next frame, screenshot, photograph, fast playback and slow playback. It also provides image processing functions (video image enhancement, video image defogging, sea target detection).)
    2020-11-19 15:19:37下载
  • photoediter
    这是一个简单的图象处理的小软件的原代码,试试吧,不错的(This is a simple image of the original small software code, try it, good)
    2007-05-22 13:54:05下载
  • cvpr12_mfc
    cvpr2012_oral On Multiple Foreground Cosegmentation(In this paper, we address a challenging image segmentation problem called multiple foreground cosegmentation (MFC), which concerns a realistic scenario in general Webuser photo sets where a finite number of K foregrounds of interest repeatedly occur over the entire photo set, but only an unknown subset of them is presented in each image. This contrasts the classical cosegmentation problem dealt with by most existing algorithms, which assume a much simpler but less realistic setting where the same set of foregrounds recurs in every image. We propose a novel optimization method for MFC, which makes no assumption on foreground configurations and does not suffer from the aforementioned limitation, while still leverages all the benefits of having co-occurring or (partially) recurring contents across images. Our method builds on an iterative scheme that alternates between a foreground modeling module and a region assignment module, both highly efficient and scalable. In part)
    2012-12-06 19:38:33下载
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