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  基于MATLAB实现的mie散射程序,可以计算散射消光不对称因子等参数(The Mie scattering program, based on MATLAB, can calculate the parameters of scattering efficiency, extinction efficiency, asymmetry factor, and so on)



0 个回复

  • signanalyse
    对声音信号的时域分析频域分析采样并显示时域分析结果,还有录音并显示(Time-domain analysis of the sound signal frequency domain analysis of the sample and displays the time domain analysis, as well as recording and display)
    2013-01-03 17:54:18下载
  • EKsation_last
    说明:   编写时间2009年2月24日第1次 以后以此区别修改版本!!! ---------频域传递公式推导------------ 变量说明:zn1 zn2:分别为左塔和右塔阻尼比 w1式起重机w1 w2:左塔和右塔固有频率 w01 w02 wc分别连体左支座、右支座、连体自振频率 zn01 zn02 分别为连体左支座、右支座的连接阻尼比 非对称双塔连体结构 主要考虑支座连接频率比的变化结构反应功率谱曲线( Write time, February 24, 2009 1st after a modified version of this distinction!!! --------- Frequency-domain transfer formula derivation------------ variable Description: zn1 zn2: respectively, the left and right tower tower damping ratio w1 crane w1 w2: the left and right tower tower natural frequency w01 w02 wc Siamese left bearing, respectively, the right bearing, Siamese natural frequency zn01 zn02 Siamese respectively, bearing left and right bearing link damping ratio non-symmetrical structure Siamese twin towers bearing the main consideration changes in the ratio of the structure connecting the frequency response curve of the power spectrum)
    2010-03-20 16:09:44下载
  • Read_data
    读取ecg信号的完整源代码,完整备注信息(original source code for ECG signal reading, with full notes)
    2013-07-21 22:18:11下载
  • CCDF-Matlab-OFDM
    调制信号的CCDF曲线特性,OFDM的Matlab仿真一般都要用到其CCDF分析(CCDF curve characteristics of modulated signals)
    2011-05-23 11:16:30下载
  • Capon_DOA
    DOA常用算法之一:Capton算法, 也叫做MVDRE ( Minimum Variance Distorionless Response Estimator ),是计算Power specturm(DOA, one of commonly used algorithms: Capton algorithm, also known as MVDRE (Minimum Variance Distorionless Response Estimator), is the calculation of Power specturm)
    2007-03-30 00:21:52下载
  • LEACH-to-simulate-WSN
    在MATLAB环境下,对添加了不同能量消耗的传感器后无线传感器网络运行仿真的LEACH算法(In the MATLAB environment, LEACH algorithm added after the energy consumption of different sensors in wireless sensor networks to run the simulation)
    2015-02-02 19:40:32下载
  • Matlab
    实现了零速修正的卡尔曼滤波算法,可实现个人室内导航。为读数据格式(Zero speed correction Kalman filter algorithm can achieve personal indoor navigation. Read data format)
    2021-03-24 14:19:15下载
    基于VSC_HVDC的直流配电网研究论文 很详细包括了MATLAB的仿真图(VSC_HVDC-based DC distribution network research papers are detailed in the simulation of MATLAB)
    2017-04-04 20:22:08下载
  • correlation
    信号自相关进行比较,对六个信号进行自相关比较(Signal auto-correlation to compare the six signals from the relevant comparison)
    2008-01-15 11:26:51下载
  • fpwxh
    说明:  噪声中非平稳信号的频谱分析,基于MATLAB,实验报告一份(Nonstationary noise frequency spectrum analysis, based on MATLAB, a lab report)
    2011-03-17 22:05:26下载
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