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于 2018-03-29 发布 文件大小:189KB
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  求解小波波极大值,利用小波程序分解暂态量的数据,由此获得行波波头(Solving the maximum value of small wave)


小波模极大值.m, 1564 , 2018-03-29
currentwave.mat, 193678 , 2013-07-05



0 个回复

  • Delorme_BCITools10
    脑电信号处理所用的TOOLBOX,MATLAB-Based Tools for BCI Research(BRAIN WAVE BCI)
    2010-05-17 16:03:31下载
  • My-TSP-code-in-matlab
    implementation of TSP problem in matlab
    2012-06-11 21:41:18下载
  • Kalman
    Kalman滤波处理运动小球圆心位置,实时测量小球的速度、加速度(Kalman filtering processing ball movement right position )
    2012-01-02 14:54:30下载
  • miFV
    The package includes the MATLAB code of the multi-instance learning algorithm miFV, which is an efficient and scalable MIL algorithm. miFV maps the original MIL bags into a new feature vector representation, which can obtain bag-level information, and meanwhile lead to excellent performances even with linear classifiers. In consequence, thanks to the low computational cost in the mapping step and the scalability of linear classifiers, miFV can handle large scale MIL data efficiently and effectively. A Readme file and some data files are included in the package.
    2015-03-31 18:39:34下载
  • risk456_3
    基于负荷增加的电力系统风险评估蒙特卡洛仿真程序,以仿真可以使用(Based on the system load increases the risk of power assessment Monte Carlo simulation program can be used to emulate)
    2021-04-12 17:48:57下载
  • Two_the_quality_of_shaft
    matlab搭建的两质量轴系模型,风机中不可或缺的模块(Matlab build two quality system model, the wind machine in an integral module)
    2015-09-18 14:28:47下载
  • matlab_tutorial
    Matlab教程 使用Matlab处理数字信号和数字图像(Matlab Tutorial Using Matlab in digital signal processing and digital image processing)
    2009-05-28 22:34:28下载
  • QPSK
    产生QPSK的简单程序,先产生0到3的随即数字,用这些数字产生相位,然后产生QPSK信号!(Get QPSK!)
    2010-03-15 01:22:50下载
  • matlab
    说明:  MATLAB的插值问题——关于拉格朗日插值应用的几个实例(MATLAB' s interpolation- Lagrange interpolation on a few examples of applications)
    2009-08-22 11:59:15下载
  • calibr
    如果你有一个三维校准对象,你可以应付一个单一的形象。为了获得令人满意的校正结果,对象应包括整个图像以及可能的。此外,多张图片的支持。那么, 图像应捕获不同的观点改变了相机 方向和距离。如果在一个平面标定目标单一 形象是不够的和一套图像是需要解决所有 摄像机的参数。的坐标平面控制点应 被选中,这样的Z坐标成为为零。三维坐标股 毫米和图像坐标单位是像素。校准坐标 系统是用右手。原产地的图像坐标系中 左上角, X轴是正确的和Y轴向下。(If you have a three-dimensional calibration object, you can cope with a single image. Calibration In order to obtain satisfactory results, the target should include the entire image, as well as possible. In addition, the support of many pictures. Then, the image should capture different points of view camera has changed the direction and distance. If a planar calibration target at a single image is not enough and a set of images are necessary to solve all the camera parameters. The coordinates of horizontal control points should be selected, such as Z coordinates become zero. Unit-mm three-dimensional coordinates and image coordinates are pixel units. Calibration are right-handed coordinate system. Origin of the image coordinate system in the upper left corner, X-axis and Y are correct under axial.)
    2009-03-01 01:29:25下载
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